Royalty Free Music track: The Evening Breeze

A chill out and smooth jazz Lo-fi, easy and softly groovy track. Feel good, smooth flow and relaxing jazz vibes. A great track for chill lounge, bar lounge, beach relaxation, lofi music playlists, and more. (Stem files available.) T25589 17.95 9.95

Track details

Track ID number: 25589
Genres: Chill-Out Grooves / Lounge / Chill-Hop -- Jazz: Soft & smooth jazz
Moods/Emotions: Laid back / Easy-going / Chilled -- Classy / Elegant / Exclusive
Suggested Production Types: Lounge / Cafe / Lobby / Bar -- TV Commercial - Luxury / Style -- Vacation / Travel / Discovery
Prominent Instruments: Bass (Upright/Acoustic) -- Drums (Drum Kit) -- Ethnic percussion / Tribal drums -- Guitar (Electric) -- Piano (Acoustic)
Keywords / Hints: smooth jazz, easy jazz, chill jazz, chillout, chill out, chilled, easy, beach, smooth, cool, holiday, vacation, lounge, lounge music, lofi, lo fi, lo-fi, lofi jazz, jazzy, feelgood, feel-good, feel good, luxurious, stylish, relaxed, relaxing, relaxing jazz, blissful, bliss
Tempo feel: Slow
Tempo Beats Per Minute: 78
Artist: Shockwave-Sound Royalty Free
Composer: Bamidupe Joseph (Not a PRO member)
Publisher: Lynne Publishing (Track not PRO registered)
SRCO (Sound Recording Copyright Owner): Lynne Publishing AS
PRO / Non-PRO Track? Non PRO (What's this?)
WAV file bit depth: HD / 24-Bit (What's this?)
Stem files available for this track: Yes
Album containing this track: (None)
About the Artist
Shockwave-Sound Royalty Free Shockwave-Sound Royalty Free

The sounds and music released under the label were created by in-house staff at Shockwave-Sound.Com including Ric Viers, Bjorn Lynne, Christos Panayides and others. The sounds are copyrighted to Lynne Publishing, which is the company that owns and all its properties. Any music published under this name is entirely royalty-free and free of any performing royalties collection society.