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AOS Ambiences & Backgrounds 3
Architect of Sound
AOS02280 Helicopter over Playground : Military helicopter flies over playground near Langley, VA as children scream in fear
AOS02281 Spanish Speaking Soccer Crowd: Spanish speaking crowd yells and cheers at soccer game
AOS02310 Hospital Ambience 5: Background sounds of a hospital including nurse chatter and equipment noises
AOS02317 Hospital Ambience 1: Background sounds of a hospital including nurse chatter and equipment noises
AOS02318 Hospital Lobby 1: Background sounds of a hospital including nurse chatter and equipment noises
AOS02319 Hospital Ambience 3: Background sounds of a hospital including nurse chatter and equipment noises
AOS02359 Hospital Ambience 6: Background sounds of a hospital including nurse chatter and equipment noises
AOS02360 Hospital Ambience 2: Background sounds of a hospital including nurse chatter and equipment noises
AOS02496 Train Station Background 2: Crowds chatter and loiter in busy train station
AOS02497 Train Station Background 3: Crowds chatter and loiter in busy train station
AOS02564 Restaurant Ambience 1: Crowd and dining noise in busy restaurant
AOS02565 Restaurant Ambience 2: Crowd and dining noise in busy restaurant
AOS02566 Restaurant Ambience 3: Crowd and dining noise in busy restaurant
AOS02585 Church Sanctuary 1: Background noise and chatter of congregation before church service
AOS02586 Church Sanctuary 2: Background noise and chatter of congregation before church service
AOS02587 Oh Come All Ye Faithful Hymn: Congregation sings Oh Come All Ye Faithful
AOS02588 Rejoice Rejoice Emmanuel Hymn: Congregation sings Rejoice Rejoice Emmanuel
AOS02589 Organ Plays Away in the Manger: Church organist plays Away in the Manger
AOS02590 Away in the Manger Hymn: Congregation sings Away in the Manger
AOS02591 Psalm 96 Reading: Pastor reads Psalm 96
AOS02592 Hark the Herald Angels Sing Hymn: Congregation sings Hark the Herald Angels Sing
AOS02592 Lord's Prayer 1: Congregation recites the Lord's Prayer
AOS02593 Church Organ 1: Church organ plays in background with congregation noises
AOS02733 Empty Aracade Ambience: Ambience of beeping games in empty arcade
AOS02799 College Student Center 1: Many college students walk and talk in student center
AOS02800 College Student Center 2: Many college students walk and talk in student center
AOS02801 College Student Center 3: Many college students walk and talk in student center
AOS02802 Univeristy Campus Outside 1 : University outside ambience
AOS02803 Univeristy Campus Outside 2: University outside ambience
AOS02804 Caterers Setting Up 1: Catering company setting up for banquet
AOS02805 Caterers Setting Up 2: Catering company setting up for banquet
AOS02806 Caterers Setting Up Chairs: Catering company setting up for banquet
AOS02813 Huge Banquet Ambience1: Dining sounds of 500 people at reception
AOS02814 Huge Banquet Ambience2: Dining sounds of 500 people at reception
AOS02815 Huge Banquet Ambience3: Dining sounds of 500 people at reception
AOS02816 Huge Banquet Ambience4: Dining sounds of 500 people at reception
All above 36 sounds
: Complete AOS Ambiences & Backgrounds 3
AOS Ambiences & Backgrounds 2
Architect of Sound
AOS01246 Amusement Park Background 1: Background sounds of crowds and games at amusement parks
AOS01282 Poolside Ambience 1: Sound of crowds and water poolside
AOS01284 Pool Water Fall 1: Pool waterfall with distant crowd noises
AOS01285 Pool Water Fall 2: Pool waterfall with distant crowd noises
AOS01286 Pool Water Fall 3: Pool waterfall with distant crowd noises
AOS01340 Irish Music with Crowds 1: Irish music with crowd noises
AOS01341 Irish Music with Crowds 2: Irish music with crowd noises
AOS01350 Crowd at Exhibit 1: Crowd chatter while milling about an exhibit
AOS01351 City Sounds 1: Various sounds of the city
AOS01358 German Party Music 1: German party band jamming
AOS01433 Museum Ambience 2: Background ambience of a museum setting
AOS01434 Museum Ambience 3: Background ambience of a museum setting
AOS01435 Busy Museum Ambience 1: Background ambience of a busy museum
AOS01450 Train Station Background 2: Crowds chatter and loiter in busy train station
AOS01620 City Street Sounds: Busy city street
AOS01621 City Street Sounds 2: Busy city street
AOS01625 Bumpin' City Bass: Busy city street with sub-bass from car
AOS01626 City Street Sounds 3: Busy city street
AOS01627 Inside NY Subway: Sounds of a subway station
AOS01631 Train Station PA 1: Train station PA announcement
AOS01632 Subway Station Crowd: Crowds in a subway station
AOS01638 Exiting Subway Station: Crowd walking out of subway station
AOS01644 Busy Breakfast Café: Bustling sounds of a busy café
AOS01656 Marching Band: Band perfomance
AOS01657 Marching Snare: Marching Snare
AOS01659 Crowd Outside: Crowd chatter at outdoor event
AOS01871 Wedding Ceremony Background 1: String quartet and crowds peacefully milling outside before wedding ceremony
AOS01872 Wedding Ceremony Background 2: String quartet and crowds peacefully milling outside before wedding ceremony
AOS02053 Hair Salon 1: Ambient sounds at a hair salon including chatter and blow dryers
AOS02265 Parade Firetruck: Classic fire truck at a small town parade
AOS02268 Parade 1: Parade ambience
AOS02269 Parade 2: Parade ambience
AOS02270 Parade Snare Jam1: Snare unit of marching band jams hard
AOS02271 Parade 3: Parade ambience
AOS02278 Children Playing in Park 2: Children playing at a park
AOS02279 Swings at Playground 1: The sounds of swings at a playground
All above 36 sounds
: Complete AOS Ambiences & Backgrounds 2
AOS Ambiences & Backgrounds 1
Architect of Sound
AOS00030 Banquet Cheering 1: High quality stereo recording of cheering and clapping during a banquet
AOS00031 Reception 1: Excellent high quality stereo recording right smack in the middle of an upbeat reception with multiple conversations and laughing
AOS00032 Reception 2: Excellent high quality stereo recording smack in the middle of a lively banquet reception, lots of talking, laughing, sounds of dinnerware etc.
AOS00033 Bar Crowd 1: High quality stereo recording of people partying in a bar
AOS00034 Museum 1: Background ambience of a Smithsonian museum setting
AOS00035 Playground 1: Background ambience of a playground including the sound of swings and kids and parents laughing, shouting, etc.
AOS00036 Children Playing 1: The sounds of a crowd of school children playing and laughing in a park outside
AOS00710 Road Crew 1: Roadcrew with laying asphalt with trucks and rakes
AOS00711 Road Crew 2: Roadcrew with laying asphalt with trucks and rakes
AOS00713 Road Crew 3: Roadcrew with laying asphalt with trucks and rakes
AOS00733 Grocery Store 1: Background sounds in a grocery store such as people, shuffling, carts, and registers
AOS00734 Grocery Store 2: Background sounds in a grocery store such as people, shuffling, carts, and registers
AOS00742 Public Bathroom 1: General noises in a public bathroom
AOS00761 Concession Stand 1: Concession stand ambience at theater
AOS00801 Small Bar Ambience 1: Background ambience of a small bar, people chattering, football on TV
AOS00803 Jazz Lounge 1: Jazz band plays in dining area at a fine restaurant
AOS00970 Bus Stop 1: Sounds of a bus stop with buses pulling up and driving away, engines idling, and air released
AOS00971 Parrot Park 1: A parrot squawks very loudly twice in zoo setting
AOS00972 African Drum Party 1: African drums are pounded at festival as crowd cheers and dances
AOS00973 African Drum Party 2: African drums are pounded at festival as crowd cheers and dances
AOS00975 African Drum Party 3: African drums are pounded at festival as crowd cheers and dances
AOS00983 African Drum Party 5: African drums are pounded at festival as crowd cheers and dances
AOS00984 Amusement Park Bell 1: Bell ringing to start game at amusement park
AOS00985 Amusement Park Bell 2: Bell ringing to start game at amusement park
AOS00986 Taiko Drums 1: Taiko drums being played at festival
AOS00987 Taiko Drums 2: Taiko drums being played at festival
AOS00988 Taiko Drums 3: Taiko drums being played at festival
AOS01011 Train Station Background 1: Crowds chatter and loiter in busy train station
AOS01124 Grocery Store PA 1: Unintelligible announcement in grocery store
AOS01125 Grocery Store PA 2: Unintelligible announcement in grocery store
AOS01141 Grocery Cart Short 1: Short sound of grocery cart in parking lot
AOS01235 Inside Bus 1: People and bus sounds from inside moving bus
AOS01236 Inside Bus 2: People and bus sounds from inside moving bus
AOS01237 Inside Bus 3: People and bus sounds from inside moving bus
AOS01238 Inside Bus 4: People and bus sounds from inside moving bus
AOS01244 Cafeteria 1: Background sounds inside crowded cafeteria
AOS01245 Cafeteria 2: Background sounds inside crowded cafeteria
All above 37 sounds
: Complete AOS Ambiences & Backgrounds 1
AOS Appliances 1
Architect of Sound
AOS00068 Old Window Fan 1: Old window fan running and vibrating
AOS00069 Hair Dryer Moving 1: Hair dryer blowing while moved back and forth
AOS00070 Hair Dryer Moving 2: Hair dryer blowing while moved back and forth
AOS00071 Hair Dryer Still 1: Hair dryer blowing while still
AOS00072 Hair Dryer Still 2: Hair dryer blowing while still
AOS00073 Toaster 1: Toaster popping
AOS00152 Coffee Grinder 1: High quality stereo recording of coffee beans being ground, hmmm ... smell that aroma!
AOS00153 Coffee Percolating 1: High quality stereo recording of a coffee pot percolating
AOS00243 Lamp On/Off 1: Single sound of a lamp being pulled on or off
AOS00244 Lamp On/Off 2: Single sound of a lamp being pulled on or off
AOS00245 Lamp On/Off 3: Single sound of a lamp being twisted on or off
AOS00246 Lamp Twist On/Off 1: Single sound of a lamp being twisted on or off
AOS00247 Lamp Twist On/Off 2: Single sound of a lamp being twisted on or off
AOS00248 Lamp Twist On/Off 3: Single sound of a lamp being twisted on or off
AOS00249 Lamp Twist On/Off 4: Single sound of a lamp being twisted on or off
AOS00250 Light Switch 1: Single sound of a light switch flipped on or off
AOS00251 Light Switch 2: Single sound of a light switch flipped on or off
AOS00252 Light Switch 3: Single sound of a light switch flipped on or off
AOS00253 Light Switch 4: Single sound of a light switch flipped on or off
AOS00254 Light Switch 5: Single sound of a light switch flipped on or off
AOS00255 Light Switch 6: Single sound of a light switch flipped on or off
AOS00256 Light Switch 7: Single sound of a light switch flipped on or off
AOS00767 Oven Fan 1: Fan over kitchen stove top turned on and blowing
AOS00889 Pull Light 1: Basement light being pulled on by drop down chain
AOS00890 Pull Light 2: Basement light being pulled on by drop down chain
AOS00891 Pull Light 3: Basement light being pulled on by drop down chain
AOS00945 Dishwasher Open 1: A dishwasher being opened
AOS00946 Dishwasher Loading 1: Dishes and glassware clanking as dishwasher is loaded
AOS01849 Juicer 1: Kitchen juicer running and grinding
AOS01851 Juicer 2: Kitchen juicer running and grinding
AOS01852 Juicer 3: Kitchen juicer running and grinding
AOS01868 Microwave Beeps 1: Beeps from a microwave oven
AOS01869 Ice Maker 1: Ice grinding and falling into glass from refrigerator ice maker
AOS01870 Ice Maker 2: Ice grinding and falling into glass from refrigerator ice maker
AOS01877 Bread Maker 1: Bread maker running
AOS01878 Bread Maker 2: Bread maker running
AOS01879 Can Opener 1: Can opener working
AOS01921 Old Dishwasher Open 1: Dishwasher being opened
AOS01922 Old Dishwasher Close 1: Dishwasher being closed
AOS02356 Toaster Push Down 1: Starting a toaster
AOS02357 Toaster 2: Toaster popping
AOS02772 Bathroom Fan 1: Bathroom fan runs
AOS02922 Blender 1: A blender blends
AOS02923 Blender 2: A blender blends
AOS02924 Blender 3: A blender blends
AOS02926 Food Processor 1: A food processor processes
AOS02927 Food Processor 2: A food processor processes
AOS02930 Food Processor 3: A food processor processes
AOS02931 Food Processor 4: A food processor processes
AOS02932 Industrial Dishwasher 1: Restaurant dishwasher runs
AOS02933 Industrial Dishwasher 2: Restaurant dishwasher runs
All above 51 sounds
: Complete AOS Applications 1
AOS Bars & Restaurants 1
Architect of Sound
AOS00804 Champagne Cork 1: Champagne cork blasts off
AOS00805 Champagne 01: Champagne cork blasts off
AOS00806 Glass Clink 1: Two wine or champagne glasses clank during toast
AOS00807 Glass Clink 2: Two wine or champagne glasses clank during toast
AOS00808 Glass Clink 3: Two wine or champagne glasses clank during toast
AOS00809 Champage Fizz 1: Extremely upclose recording of champagne fizzing in glass
AOS01012 Ice Shaker 1: Bartender shakes ice and drink in metal ice shaker
AOS01013 Ice Shaker Slow then Fast 1: Bartender shakes ice and drink in metal ice shaker
AOS01016 Ice Shaker 2: Bartender shakes ice and drink in metal ice shaker
AOS01017 Ice Shaker 3: Bartender shakes ice and drink in metal ice shaker
AOS01018 Ice Shaker 4: Bartender shakes ice and drink in metal ice shaker
AOS01019 Ice Shaker 5: Bartender shakes ice and drink in metal ice shaker
AOS01020 Dropping Ice into Glass 1: Dropping ice cubes into a glass
AOS01021 Pouring Ice into Glass 1: Pouring ice cubes into a glass
AOS01022 Dropping Ice into Glass 2: Dropping ice cubes into a glass
AOS01023 Pouring Ice into Glass 1: Pouring ice cubes into a glass
AOS01024 Ice Stir 1: Stiring ice in glass
AOS01026 Ice Shaker Lid Open 1: Popping open a metal ice shaker
AOS01027 Ice Shaker Lid Open 2: Popping open a metal ice shaker
AOS01028 Ice Shaker Lid Close 1: Closing a metal ice shaker
AOS01029 Ice Shaker Quick 1: Quick shake of an ice shaker
AOS01030 Ice Shaker Lid Open 3: Popping open a metal ice shaker
AOS01031 Ice Shaker Quick 2: Quick shake of an ice shaker
AOS01032 Ice Shaker Lid Close 2: Closing a metal ice shaker
AOS01033 Small Metal Lid Close 1: Thin metal lid closes
AOS01034 Stacking Glasses Multiple 01: Multiple clinks of stacking glasses
AOS01035 Stacking a Glass 1: A glass clanks onto another when stacked
AOS01036 Stacking a Glass 2: A glass clanks onto another when stacked
AOS01037 Stacking a Glass 3: A glass clanks onto another when stacked
AOS01038 Stacking a Glass 4: A glass clanks onto another when stacked
AOS01039 Stacking a Glass 5: A glass clanks onto another when stacked
AOS01040 Stacking a Glass 6: A glass clanks onto another when stacked
AOS01041 Stacking a Glass 7: A glass clanks onto another when stacked
AOS01042 Bar Mixing Tool 1: Sounds of a metal bar tool in use
AOS01043 Bar Mixing Tool 2: Sounds of a metal bar tool in use
AOS01044 Bar Mixing Tool Drop 1: Drink mixing tool drops on bar
AOS01045 Bar Mixing Tool Drop 2: Drink mixing tool drops on bar
AOS01046 Ice Swirl in Glass 1: Sound of ice being swirled in glass
AOS01047 Ice Cube Sounds 1: Various sounds of an ice cube in glass and sink
AOS01048 Ice Cubes Dumped in Sink 1: Ice cubes banging and clanking in sink
AOS01049 Glass on Counter 1: Glass placed onto marble countertop
AOS01050 Ice Cube Dumped in Glass 1: Ice cube dumped into glass
AOS01051 Two Ice Cubes Thrown in Glass 1: Two ice cubes thrown into glass
AOS01052 Ice Cube Thrown in Glass 1: Ice cube thrown in glass
AOS01053 Ice Cube Thrown in Glass 2: Ice cube thrown in glass
AOS01054 Ice Cube Throw and Stir 1: Ice cube thrown in glass and stirred
AOS01055 Ice Cube Thrown in Glass 3: Ice cube thrown in glass
AOS01056 Ice Stirred in Glass 1: Quick stir of ice in glass
AOS01057 Three Ice Cubes Thrown in Glass 1: Two ice cubes thrown into glass
AOS01058 Ice Cube Thrown in Glass 4: Ice cube thrown in glass
AOS01059 Ice Cube Thrown in Glass 5: Ice cube thrown in glass
AOS01060 Ice Cube Thrown in Glass 6: Ice cube thrown in glass
AOS01084 Glass Put on Table 1: Glass put down on wood table or bar
AOS01085 Glass Put on Table 2: Glass put down on wood table or bar
AOS01086 Glass Put on Table 3: Glass put down on wood table or bar
AOS01087 Glass Picked up from Table 1: Glass picked up from table
AOS01088 Glass Put on Table 4: Glass put down on wood table or bar
AOS01105 Bar Stool Swivels 1: Swivel sound of wooden bar stool
AOS01106 Bar Stool Swivels 2: Swivel sound of wooden bar stool
AOS01107 Bar Stool Swivels 3: Swivel sound of wooden bar stool
All above 60 sounds
: Complete AOS Bars & Restaurants 1
AOS Bars & Restaurants 2
Architect of Sound
AOS01225 German Beer Hall Party 1: Music, singing, and partying in a German Beer Hall
AOS01226 German Toasting Song 1: Famous German toasting song with toast in German
AOS01227 German Toast 1: German crowd toast
AOS01228 German Toast 2: Lively German crowd toasting
AOS01823 Silverware in Bowl: Silverware clinking in a bowl
AOS02817 Open Broiler 1: Opening a broiler
AOS02818 Close Broiler 1: Closing a broiler
AOS02819 Open Broiler 2: Opening a broiler
AOS02820 Close Broiler 2: Closing a broiler
AOS02821 Close Oven Door 1: Closing oven door
AOS02822 Close Oven Door 2: Closing oven door
AOS02823 Mixing Whipped Cream 1: Mixing whipped cream
AOS02824 Mixing Whipped Cream 2: Mixing whipped cream
AOS02825 Ice Machine Dig 1: Digging in an ice machine
AOS02826 Ice Machine Dig 2: Digging in an ice machine
AOS02827 Put Down Ice Scoop: Put down ice scoop
AOS02828 Shut Ice Machine : Shut ice machine
AOS02838 Kitchen Pots Bang 1: Sounds of pots being banged around in kitchen
AOS02839 Kitchen Pots Bang 2: Sounds of pots being banged around in kitchen
AOS02843 Kitchen Pots Bang 3: Sounds of pots being banged around in kitchen
AOS02844 Kitchen Pots Bang 4: Sounds of pots being banged around in kitchen
AOS02845 Kitchen Pots Bang 5: Sounds of pots being banged around in kitchen
AOS02846 Pot Bang 1: Pot bangs
AOS02847 Kitchen Pots Bang 5: Sounds of pots being banged around in kitchen
AOS02848 Pot Bang 2: Pot bangs
AOS02849 Scraping Pots: Scraping pots
AOS02850 Pot Bangs Twice: Pot bangs twice
AOS02851 Pots and Pans Noise: Noises of pots and pans being banged around in kitchen
AOS02852 Chef Knife Cutting in Kitchen 1: Chef uses large knife to cut on cutting board
AOS02853 Chef Knife Cutting in Kitchen 2: Chef uses large knife to cut on cutting board
AOS02854 Chef Knife Cutting in Kitchen 3: Chef uses large knife to cut on cutting board
AOS02855 Chef Knife Cutting in Kitchen 4: Chef uses large knife to cut on cutting board
AOS02856 Chef Knife Cutting in Kitchen 5: Chef uses large knife to cut on cutting board
AOS02857 Chef Four Knife Cuts: Chef uses large knife to cut on cutting board
AOS02858 Single Chef Knife Cut: Chef uses large knife to cut on cutting board
AOS02859 Chef Sharpens Knife 1: Chef sharpens large knife
AOS02860 Chef Sharpens Knife 2: Chef sharpens large knife
AOS02861 Chef Sharpens Knife 3: Chef sharpens large knife
AOS02862 Chef Sharpens Knife 4: Chef sharpens large knife
AOS02872 Chef Sharpens Knife 5: Chef sharpens large knife
AOS02873 Cash Register Open and Close: A cash register is opened and closed
AOS02874 Cash Register Opens: A cash register is opened
AOS02875 Cash Register Closes: A cash register is closed
AOS02876 Cash Register Closes 2: A cash register is closed
AOS02877 Cash Register Opens 2: A cash register is opened
All above 45 sounds:
Complete AOS Bars & Restaurants 2
AOS Bars & Restaurants 3
Architect of Sound
AOS02878 Ice Machine Dig 3: Digging in an ice machine
AOS02879 Ice Machine Dig 4: Digging in an ice machine
AOS02880 Ice Machine Dig Into Glass 1: Digging in an ice machine then dumping ice in glass
AOS02881 Ice Machine Dig Into Glass 2: Digging in an ice machine then dumping ice in glass
AOS02882 Ice Machine Dig Into Glass Multiple: Digging in an ice machine then dumping ice in glass
AOS02883 Dumping Ice into Glass 1: Dumping ice into glass
AOS02884 Ice Machine Dig Into Glass 3: Digging in an ice machine then dumping ice in glass
AOS02884 Dumping Ice into Glass 2: Dumping ice into glass
AOS02885 Ice Machine Dig Into Glass 4: Digging in an ice machine then dumping ice in glass
AOS02886 Soda Gun 1: Soda gun pouring soda
AOS02887 Ice Cube Dumped in Glass 2: Dumping ice cube in glass
AOS02888 Soda Gun 2: Soda gun pouring soda
AOS02889 Soda Gun 3: Soda gun pouring soda
AOS02890 Soda Fizzes 1: Soda fizzes and carbonates
AOS02891 Soda Fizzes 2: Soda fizzes and carbonates
AOS02892 Soda Gun On and Off: Soda gun turned on and off
AOS02893 Stacking Glasses Multiple 2: Multiple clinks of stacking glasses
AOS02894 Stacking Glasses Multiple 3: Multiple clinks of stacking glasses
AOS02895 Stacking a Glass 8: A glass clanks onto another when stacked
AOS02896 Ice Machine Dig Into Glass 5: Digging in an ice machine then dumping ice in glass
AOS02897 Ice Shaker Dump: Dumping ice from shaker in to sink
AOS02904 Moving a Keg 1: Moving a beer keg
AOS02905 Moving a Keg 2: Moving a beer keg
AOS02906 Keg Bang 1: Bee keg bangs
AOS02907 Keg Bang 2: Bee keg bangs
AOS02908 Small Refrigerator Door Closes 1: Small refrigerator door closes
AOS02909 Small Refrigerator Door Closes 2: Small refrigerator door closes
AOS02925 Commerical Kitchen Noises: Various commerical kitchen noises
AOS02937 Typing on Cash Register 1: Typing on a cash register
AOS02938 Typing on Cash Register 2: Typing on a cash register
AOS02940 Typing on Cash Register 3: Typing on a cash register
AOS02941 Typing on Cash Register 4: Typing on a cash register
AOS02950 Food Mill 1: Cook works a grinds food mill
AOS02951 Food Mill 2: Cook works a grinds food mill
AOS02952 Food Mill Single Crank: Cook works a grinds food mill
AOS02954 Weak Beer Tap: Pouring beer from weak tap
AOS02966 Open Soda Can 1: Opening a soda can
AOS02967 Soda Can Pop Open: Popping a soda can open
AOS02968 Pull Soda Can Tab: Pulling tab on soda can
All above 39 sounds
: Complete AOS Bars & Restaurants 3
AOS Buttons & Rollovers 3
Architect of Sound
AOS02197 Bass Dive 1
AOS02198 Squiggle 8
AOS02199 Zap 5
AOS02200 Lazer Sound 9
AOS02201 Dong 1
AOS02202 Dong 2
AOS02203 Clap 1
AOS02204 Dong 3
AOS02205 Crash 1
AOS02206 Pong 7
AOS02207 Smash Hit 1
AOS02208 Ping 4
AOS02209 Bass Ringer 1
AOS02210 Long Zap 2
AOS02211 Long Zap 3
AOS02212 Long Zap 4
AOS02213 Smash Hit 2
AOS02214 Evil Crash 1
AOS02215 Cheep 5
AOS02216 Knock 4
AOS02217 Knock 5
AOS02218 Ping 5
AOS02219 Squiggle 9
AOS02220 Crazy Snare 1
AOS02221 Long Zap 5
AOS02222 Knock 6
AOS02223 Pong 8
AOS02224 Dong 4
AOS02225 Dong 5
AOS02226 Lazer Sound 10
AOS02227 Ringer 8
AOS02228 Short Ring 3
AOS02229 Clink 7
AOS02230 Long Zap 6
AOS02231 Ringer 9
AOS02232 Ringer 10
AOS02233 Knock 7
AOS02234 Bass Dong 1
AOS02235 Rap Hit 1
AOS02236 Blip 13
AOS02237 Digital Splat 1
AOS02238 Blip 14
AOS02239 Digital Splat 2
AOS02240 Long Lazer 1
AOS02241 Clickie 2
AOS02242 Metal Fizzle 2
AOS02243 Metal Fizzle 3
AOS02244 Short Ring 4
AOS02245 Smash Hit 3
AOS02246 Siren Sound 1
AOS02247 Zap 6
AOS02248 Clickie 3
AOS02249 Clickie 4
AOS02250 Long Zap 7
AOS02251 Clickie 5
AOS02252 Clickie 6
AOS02253 Crash 2
AOS02254 Impact 1
AOS02255 Clank Hit 1
AOS02256 Spring 1
AOS02257 Clank Hit 2
AOS02258 Bleep 6
AOS02259 Bleep 7
AOS02260 Squiggle 10
AOS02261 Clickie 7
AOS02262 Clickie 8
AOS02263 Cheep 6
AOS02264 Clank Hit 3
All above 68 sounds
: Complete AOS Buttons & Rollovers 3
AOS Buttons & Rollovers 2
Architect of Sound
AOS02118 Snare Hit 2
AOS02119 Squiggle 4
AOS02121 Metal Hit 1
AOS02122 Metal Hit 2
AOS02123 Snare Hit 3
AOS02124 Blip 6
AOS02125 Blip 7
AOS02126 Blip 8
AOS02127 Cheep 1
AOS02128 Ping 1
AOS02129 Ping 2
AOS02130 Bass Doing 4
AOS02131 Ting 6
AOS02132 Blip 9
AOS02133 Click 2
AOS02134 Blip 10
AOS02135 Electric Whip 1
AOS02136 Pong 4
AOS02137 Clink 1
AOS02138 Cheep 2
AOS02139 Squiggle 5
AOS02141 Pong 5
AOS02142 Ringer 4
AOS02143 Knock 1
AOS02144 Knock 2
AOS02145 Knock 3
AOS02146 Metal Hit 3
AOS02147 Ting 7
AOS02150 Metal Hit 4
AOS02151 Bass Button 2
AOS02152 Snare Bass 1
AOS02153 Clap Snare 1
AOS02154 Bass Doing 5
AOS02155 Lazer Sound 5
AOS02156 Cheep 3
AOS02157 Short Ring 1
AOS02158 Ting 8
AOS02160 Snare Hit 4
AOS02162 Squiggle 6
AOS02163 Blip 12
AOS02164 Bass Doing 6
AOS02165 Ping 3
AOS02166 Zap 2
AOS02167 Metal Fizzle 1
AOS02168 Clink 2
AOS02169 Bass Rise 1
AOS02170 Long Beep 1
AOS02171 Long Beep 2
AOS02172 Long Beep 3
AOS02173 Zap 3
AOS02174 Lazer Sound 6
AOS02175 Clink 3
AOS02177 Metal Fizzle 4
AOS02178 Short Ring 2
AOS02179 Squiggle 7
AOS02180 Zap 4
AOS02182 Ringer 5
AOS02183 Ringer 6
AOS02184 Ringer 7
AOS02185 Cheep 4
AOS02186 Pong 6
AOS02188 Bass Lazer 1
AOS02189 Robot Squiggle 1
AOS02190 Beep 3
AOS02191 Lazer Sound 7
AOS02192 Clink 4
AOS02193 Lazer Sound 8
AOS02194 Clink 5
AOS02195 Long Zap 1
AOS02196 Clink 6
All above 70 sounds:
Complete AOS Buttons & Rollovers 2
AOS Buttons & Rollovers 1
Architect of Sound
AOS02017 Static Blip 1
AOS02018 Static Blip 2
AOS02019 Static Blip 3
AOS02020 Electric Bubble Blip 1
AOS02023 Blip 1
AOS02036 Static Blip 4
AOS02054 Bleep 1
AOS02055 Bleep 2
AOS02056 Bleep 3
AOS02057 Bleep 4
AOS02058 Bleep 5
AOS02059 Chirp 1
AOS02060 Chirp 2
AOS02061 Chirp 3
AOS02062 Chirp 4
AOS02063 Chirp 5
AOS02064 Chirp 6
AOS02065 Chirp 7
AOS02066 Zinger 1
AOS02067 Zinger 2
AOS02068 Zinger 3
AOS02069 Zinger 4
AOS02070 Zinger 5
AOS02071 Alarm Hit 1
AOS02072 Alarm Hit 2
AOS02073 Alarm Hit 3
AOS02074 Alarm Hit 4
AOS02075 Zap 1
AOS02076 Blip 2
AOS02077 Electric Static 1
AOS02078 Bass Drum Single 1
AOS02079 Squiggle 1
AOS02080 Blip 3
AOS02081 Highhat Closed 1
AOS02082 Highhat Open 1
AOS02083 Lazer Sound 1
AOS02084 Snare Single 1
AOS02085 Bass Drum Single 2
AOS02086 Bass Drum Single 3
AOS02087 Lazer Sound 2
AOS02088 Ting 1
AOS02089 Bass Dive 2
AOS02090 Squiggle 2
AOS02091 Static Noise 1
AOS02092 Snare Single 2
AOS02093 Blip 4
AOS02094 Clickie 1
AOS02095 Ting 2
AOS02096 Static Noise 2
AOS02097 Pong 1
AOS02098 Static Noise 3
AOS02099 Lazer Sound 3
AOS02100 Ringer 1
AOS02101 Bass Doing 1
AOS02102 Ringer 2
AOS02103 Bass Doing 2
AOS02104 Bass Button 1
AOS02105 Ringer 3
AOS02106 Bass Doing 3
AOS02107 Blip 5
AOS02108 Lazer Sound 4
AOS02109 Click 1
AOS02110 Ting 3
AOS02111 Ting 4
AOS02112 Pong 2
AOS02113 Snare Hit 1
AOS02114 Pong 3
AOS02115 Beep 1
AOS02116 Beep 2
AOS02117 Squiggle 3
All above 70 sounds:
Complete AOS Buttons & Rollovers 1
AOS Door Sounds 1
Architect of Sound
AOS00129 Barn Door Open/Close 1: Sound of an old barn door sliding open and then sliding shut
AOS00130 Cabinet Door Shut 1: Two quick small bangs as a cabinet door shuts
AOS00131 Cabinet Door Shut 2: Two quick small bangs as a cabinet door shuts
AOS00132 Cabinet Door Shut 3: Single bang as a cabinet door shuts
AOS00133 Cabinet Door Shut 4: Single bang as a cabinet door shuts
AOS00134 Creepy Door Creaks Open 1: Slow creepy creak as a door opens
AOS00135 Door Creaks High Pitch 1: High pitched slow creepy creak as a door opens
AOS00136 Door Creaks Low Pitch 1: Slow low pitched creak as a door slowly opens
AOS00137 Door Opens 1: Old brass doorknob turns as a door is quickly opened
AOS00138 Door Shuts 1: Door shuts and door knob turns into position
AOS00139 Door Slam 1: Single door slam
AOS00140 Door Slam 2: Single door slam
AOS00141 Locker Door Slams 1: A locker door is slammed shut with room reverb
AOS00142 Small Metal Door Slams 1: Single quick metal door slam
AOS00143 Small Metal Door Slams 2: Single quick metal door slam
AOS00144 Small Metal Door Slams 3: Single quick metal door slam
AOS00145 Small Metal Door Slams 4: Single quick metal door slam
AOS00146 Prison Door Slams 1: High quality stereo sound of a prison door slamming
AOS00147 Screen Door Bang 1: An old screen door is banged shut and then bounces and shuts lightly again
AOS00148 Wood Screen Door Closing 1: An old screen door is shut and then creaks open slightlys
AOS00662 Garage Elevator Open 1: Elevator dings open from parking garage
AOS00663 Building Door Open 1: Large building door opens
AOS00664 Building Door Open 2: Large building door opens
AOS00665 Garage Door Slam 1: Door to parking garage slams shut
AOS00672 Garage Door Slam 2: Door to parking garage slams shut
AOS00726 Old Door Open 1: Older door is opened
AOS00727 Old Doorknob 1: Older doorknob quickly twisted
AOS00751 Closet Door Close 1: Folding closet door creaking closed
AOS00752 Closet Door Open/Close 1: Folding closet door creaking open and closed
AOS00753 Closet Door Open 1: Folding closet door creaking open
AOS00754 Closet Door Close 2: Folding closet door creaking closed
AOS00780 Creaky Door 1: Long slow door creak
AOS00788 Door Latch 1: Old school door latch being squeezed
AOS00789 Thin Door Shut 1: Thin door slammed shut
AOS01154 Sliding Door Opens 5: Sliding door opens
AOS01205 Sliding Door Opens 1: Sliding door opens slowly
AOS01206 Sliding Door Closes 1: Sliding door closes slowly
AOS01207 Sliding Door Opens 2: Sliding door opens
AOS01208 Sliding Door Closes 2: Sliding door closes
AOS01209 Sliding Door Opens 3: Sliding door opens
AOS01211 Sliding Door Opens Slowly 1: Sliding door opens slowly
AOS01212 Sliding Door Closes Slowly 1: Sliding door closes slowly
AOS01213 Sliding Door Opens Slowly 2: Sliding door opens slowly
AOS01214 Sliding Door Closes Slowly 2: Sliding door closes slowly
AOS01215 Sliding Door Opens Slowly 3: Sliding door opens slowly
AOS01216 Sliding Door Opens 4: Sliding door opens
AOS01217 Sliding Door Closes 3: Sliding door closes
AOS01464 Sliding Stable Door 1: Stable door slides shut
AOS01484 Old Doorknob 1: Older door is opened
AOS01485 Creaky Door 2: Long slow door creak
All above 50 sounds
: Complete AOS Door Sounds 1
AOS Door Sounds 2
Architect of Sound
AOS01487 Big Door Shut 1: Big door shuts
AOS01865 Microwave Door Opened 1: Popping open microwave door
AOS01866 Microwave Door Opened 2: Popping open microwave door
AOS01867 Microwave Door Closed 1: Quickly shutting a microwave door
AOS01910 Stone Door 1 : Stone door or stone coffin lid eerily slides open
AOS01911 Stone Door 2: Stone door or stone coffin lid eerily slides open
AOS01912 Stone Door 3: Stone door or stone coffin lid eerily slides open
AOS01916 Old Shower Door Open 1: Old shower door is opened
AOS01917 Refrigerator Open and Close 1: Refrigerator is opened and closed
AOS01918 Refrigerator Open 1: Refrigerator opened
AOS01919 Refrigerator Close 1: Refrigerator closed
AOS01997 Trouble with Front Door Lock: Trouble getting into front door as lock is twisted and banged
AOS02282 Creaky Door 3: Creaky door
AOS02283 Creaky Door 4: Creaky door
AOS02284 Creaky Door 5: Creaky door
AOS02285 Creaky Door 6: Creaky door
AOS02286 Creaky Door 7: Creaky door
AOS02287 Creaky Door 8: Creaky door
AOS02288 Creaky Door 9: Creaky door
AOS02289 Amoire Door Shut 1: Shutting amoire door
AOS02290 Amoire Door Shut 2: Shutting amoire door
AOS02291 Door Lock Open 1: Using key to open house door lock
AOS02292 Door Lock Open 2: Using key to open house door lock
AOS02293 Door Lock Open 3: Using key to open house door lock
AOS02294 Front Door Open 1: Opening house front door
AOS02295 Locking Front Door 1: Locking front door of house
AOS02670 Open Front Door 1: Front door is opened
AOS02671 Shut Front Door 1: Front door is shut
AOS02678 Open Mail Box 1: Mailbox is opened
AOS02679 Shut Mail Box 1: Mailbox is shut
AOS02683 Open Front Door 2: Front door is opened
AOS02684 Shut Front Door 3: Front door is shut
AOS02688 Open and Close Front Door 1: Front door is opened and closed
AOS02689 Shut Front Door 2: Front door is shut
AOS02690 Open Front Door 3: Front door is opened
AOS02691 Open Front Door 4: Front door is opened
AOS02692 Shut Front Door 4: Front door is shut
AOS02693 Open Front Door 5: Front door is opened
AOS02914 Super Creaky Door: Super creaky door
AOS02915 Door Click Open and Creak 1: Door is clicked open and creaks
AOS02916 Door Click Open and Creak 2: Door is clicked open and creaks
AOS02917 Longest Creaking Door EVER: Longest creak of door ever recorded
AOS02979 Kitchen Cabinet Door Close 1: Single bang as a cabinet door shuts
AOS02980 Kitchen Cabinet Door Open 1: Single bang as a cabinet door opens
AOS02981 Kitchen Cabinet Door Close 2: Single bang as a cabinet door shuts
AOS02982 Kitchen Cabinet Door Close 3: Single bang as a cabinet door shuts
AOS02983 Kitchen Cabinet Door Close 4: Single bang as a cabinet door shuts
All above 47 sounds
: Complete AOS Door Sounds 2
AOS Electronics 1
Architect of Sound
AOS00149 Robot Going Insane: Crazy freaked out buzzing sound of a robot having a total meltdown.
AOS00345 Fire Alarm 1: High quality stereo of a home/office smoke detector fire alarm
AOS00346 Fire Alarm 2: High quality stereo of a home/office smoke detector fire alarm
AOS00347 Fire Alarm 3: High quality stereo of a home/office smoke detector fire alarm
AOS00348 Fire Alarm Long 1: High quality stereo of a home/office smoke detector fire alarm
AOS00349 Fire Alarm Long 2: High quality stereo of a home/office smoke detector fire alarm
AOS00350 Fire Alarm Long 3: High quality stereo of a home/office smoke detector fire alarm
AOS00351 Police Siren 1: A High quality stereo recording of a police or ambulance siren
AOS00352 Police Siren 2: A High quality stereo recording of a police or ambulance siren
AOS00353 Police Siren 3: A High quality stereo recording of a police or ambulance siren
AOS00590 Cassette Player Opens 1: Cassette player opening
AOS00606 CD Player Opens/Closes 1: CD player being opened and then shut
AOS00607 CD Player Closes 1: CD player pushed shut
AOS00608 CD Player Closes 2: CD player pushed shut
AOS00609 CD Player Opens 1: CD player opens
AOS00610 CD Player Closes 3: CD player pushed shut
AOS00611 Cassette Player Opens 2: Cassette player opening
AOS00612 Cassette Player Opens 3: Cassette player opening
AOS00724 Flashlight Power: Self powered flashlight shaken for power
AOS00965 Security Alarm Hi Pitch: Ultra high pitched security alarm in an airport
AOS01014 Flashlight Button Push 1: Pushing quickly up and down on an flashlight button
AOS01015 Flashlight Button Push 2: Pushing quickly up and down on an flashlight button
AOS01480 Television Static 1: Static from a television
AOS01660 Police Siren 4: Police or ambulance siren
AOS01800 Electronic Beep 1: Electronic beep from handheld device
AOS01801 Electronic Sound: Electronic sound from handheld device
AOS01802 Electronic Beep 2: Electronic beep from handheld device
AOS01803 Electronic Melody: Melody from electronic apparatus
AOS01804 Electronic Beeps: Electronic beeps from handheld device
AOS01805 Electronic Beep 3: Electronic beep from handheld device
AOS01807 Electronic Game: Beeps and blips of electronic game
AOS02041 Television Static 1: Static from television set
AOS02306 Turn On Camera 1: Turning on digital camera
AOS02307 Turn Off Camera 1: Turning off digital camera
AOS02308 Turn On Camera 2: Turning on digital camera
AOS02466 Robot Speaks 1: Robot says I am a Robot
AOS02467 Robot Speaks 2: Robot says Greeting Earthling
AOS02468 Robot Speaks 3: Robot says I Do Not Understand
AOS02469 Robot Speaks 4: Robot says I Come from Another Planet
AOS02470 Robot Speaks 5: Robot says Outer Space
AOS02471 Robot Speaks 6: Robot says I Come from the Planet Neeshk
AOS02472 Robot Speaks 7: Robot says I Do Not Understand Your Culture.
All above 42 sounds
: Complete AOS Electronics 1
AOS Glassware 1
Architect of Sound
AOS01881 Plate Breaks 1: Plate breaks and shatters on hard floor
AOS01882 Plate Bounce 1: Piece of broken plate bounces
AOS01883 Plate Breaks 2: Plate breaks and shatters on hard floor
AOS01884 Small Glass Breaks 1: Small drinking glass breaks and shatters on hard floor
AOS01885 Plate Breaks 3: Plate breaks and shatters on hard floor
AOS01886 Bowl Breaks 1: Bowl breaks and shatters on hard floor
AOS01887 Small Plate Breaks 1: Small plate breaks and shatters on hard floor
AOS01888 Sweeping up Glass 1: Sweeping up pieces of shattered glass and plateware
AOS01889 Short Sweep of Glass 1: Sweeping up pieces of shattered glass and plateware
AOS01890 Small Plate Breaks 2: Small plate breaks and shatters on hard floor
AOS01891 Small Plate Breaks 3: Small plate breaks and shatters on hard floor
AOS01893 Sweeping up Glass 2: Sweeping up pieces of shattered glass and plateware
AOS01894 Short Sweep of Glass 2: Sweeping up pieces of shattered glass and plateware
AOS01895 Plate Breaks 4: Plate breaks and shatters on hard floor
AOS01896 Glass Dump 1: Dumping broken glass into paper trash bag
AOS01897 Glass Dump 2: Dumping broken glass into paper trash bag
AOS01898 Cleaning Glass 1: Sweeping and dumping shattered glasses and plates into trash
AOS01899 Cleaning Glass 2: Sweeping and dumping shattered glasses and plates into trash
All above 18 sounds:
Complete AOS Glassware 1
AOS Household 1
Architect of Sound
AOS00075 Bathroom Faucet 1: Bathroom faucet running
AOS00074 Paper Towel Dispenser 1: Pulling paper towel from a dispenser
AOS00079 Toilet Flush 1: Bathroom toilet flushing
AOS00150 Scrubbing a Pan 1: Energetic scrubbing of a pan with a brillow sponge
AOS00151 Scrubbing a Pan 2: Energetic scrubbing of a pan with a brillow sponge
AOS00154 Garbage Disposal 1: Garbage disposal grinds light refuse
AOS00155 Kitchen Sink 1: Kitchen sink is turned on, runs moderately, and then is turned off
AOS00156 Boiling SFX Low 1: The sound effect of a cauldron boiling and bubbling
AOS00157 Boiling SFX Lower 1: The sound effect of a cauldron boiling and bubbling
AOS00158 Dryer 1: High quality stereo recording of dryer in laundry room
AOS00159 Washer Spin Cycle 1: High quality stereo recording of a dryer on spin cycle
AOS00594 Fireplace Curtain 1: Metal fireplace curtain is pulled and rattled
AOS00595 Fireplace Curtain 2: Metal fireplace curtain is pulled and rattled
AOS00625 Fireplace Curtain 3: Metal fireplace curtain is pulled and rattled
AOS00626 Fireplace Curtain 4: Metal fireplace curtain is pulled and rattled
AOS00706 Window Shut : Window being shut
AOS00707 Shutter Close: Wooden shutter being closed
AOS00708 Dresser Drawer Shut: Dresser drawer being shut
AOS00709 Blinds Open: Blind being pulled open
AOS00722 Drawer Shut: Dresser drawer being shut
AOS00723 Drawer Open: Dresser drawer being opened
AOS00725 Spray Bottle 5x: Spray bottle sprays five times
AOS00749 Dresser Drawer Shut 2: Dresser drawer being shut
AOS00750 Dresser Drawer Open: Dresser drawer being opened
AOS00759 Public Toilet Flush 1: High quality stereo sound of an industrial public toilet flushing
AOS00760 Hand Dryer : Strong blowing of hand dryer in public bathroom, upclose
AOS00768 Glasses: Glasses clanking while being taken out of dishwasher
AOS00769 Stacking Dishes 1: Sound of dishes being stacked
AOS00770 Stacking Dishes 2: Sound of dishes being stacked
AOS00771 Dish Clink 1: Dishes clanking together
AOS00772 Dish Clink 2: Dishes clanking together
AOS00773 Dishwasher Slams: Dishwasher slammed shut with sound of dishes
AOS00774 Silverware Drop 5: Silverware thrown into tray
AOS00775 Silverware Drop 1: Silverware thrown into tray
AOS00776 Silverware Drop 2: Silverware thrown into tray
AOS00777 Silverware Drop 3: Silverware thrown into tray
AOS00778 Silverware Drop 4: Silverware thrown into tray
AOS00779 Silverware Drop 6: Silverware thrown into tray
AOS00781 Silverware Drop 6: Silverware thrown into tray
AOS00782 Scrub Pan : High quality scrubbing pan with bristle brush and running water
AOS00783 Dryer Close 1: Dryer door shut
AOS00784 Washer Shut 1: Washer door dropped shut
AOS00785 Laundry Faucet 1: Faucet in large basin running and dripping
AOS00786 Laundry Faucet 2: Faucet in large basin running and dripping
AOS00790 Toilet Flush: High quality recording of a household toilet flush
AOS00791 Faucet 2: Bathroom faucet running
AOS00862 Public Toilet Flush 2: High quality stereo sound of an industrial public toilet flushing
AOS00863 Electric Furnace: Eerie industrial sound of home furnace running
All above 48 sounds
: Complete AOS Household 1
AOS Household 2
Architect of Sound
AOS00903 Tupperware Drop 1: Piece of tupperware dropping onto tile kitchen floor
AOS00904 Tupperware Drop 2: Piece of tupperware dropping onto tile kitchen floor
AOS00905 Tupperware Drop 3: Piece of tupperware dropping onto tile kitchen floor
AOS00906 Tupperware Drop 4: Piece of tupperware dropping onto tile kitchen floor
AOS00907 Tupperware Open 1: The sound of tupperware being opened
AOS00908 Tupperware Close 1: The sound of tupperware being closed
AOS00909 Tupperware Open 2: The sound of tupperware being opened
AOS00910 Plastic Lid Close 1: A plastic lid snapping shut
AOS00911 Tupperware Close 2: The sound of tupperware being closed
AOS00912 Tupperware Close 3: The sound of tupperware being closed
AOS00913 Tupperware Open 3: The sound of tupperware being opened
AOS00914 Plastic Lid Open 1: A plastic lid popping open
AOS00915 Tupperware Open 4: The sound of tupperware being opened
AOS00916 Tupperware Open 7: The sound of tupperware being opened
AOS00917 Plastic Lid Close 2: A plastic lid snapping shut
AOS00918 Plastic Lid Open 2: A plastic lid popping open
AOS00919 Plastic Lid Close 3: A plastic lid snapping shut
AOS00920 Plastic Lid Close 4: A plastic lid snapping shut
AOS00921 Plastic Lid Open 3: A plastic lid popping open
AOS00922 Plastic Lid Open 4: A plastic lid popping open
AOS00923 Plastic Lid Open 5: A plastic lid popping open
AOS00939 Tupperware Open 5: The sound of tupperware being opened
AOS00940 Tupperware Open 6: The sound of tupperware being opened
AOS00941 Plastic Lid Open 6: A plastic lid popping open
AOS00942 Stacking Tupperware 1: The sound of plastic tupperware being stacked
AOS00943 Stacking Tupperware 2: The sound of plastic tupperware being stacked
AOS00944 Close Dishwasher: A dishwasher being shut
AOS00947 Stacking Tupperware 3: The sound of plastic tupperware being stacked
AOS00994 Toilet Lid Close: Toilet lid falling shut
AOS00996 Toilet Flush 3: High quality stereo sound of a toilet flushing
AOS01119 Spoon on Metal Pot 1: Spoon banged on side of metal pot several times
AOS01120 Liquid Boiling 1: Sound of water or soup boiling
AOS01160 Metal Spoon Scrape 1: Metal spoon scapes metal pot
AOS01184 Metal Spoon Three Hits 1: Three hits of a metal spoon against a pot
AOS01189 Metal Spoon Scrape 2: Scraping of a metal spoon inside a pot
AOS01190 Metal Spoon Five Hits 1: Five hits of a metal spoon against a pot
AOS01402 Spray Bottle 10x: Spray bottle sprays ten times
AOS01414 Peeling Potatoes 1: Peeling potatoes
AOS01556 Outside Shower: Outside shower turning on, running, and turned off
AOS01648 Turn On and Fill Tub: Turning on bathtub faucet and running a bath
AOS01905 Opening Trash Bag 1: Sounds of opening a trash bag
AOS01906 Trash Bag Noiz 1: Noises of fumbling with a trash bag
AOS01907 Dresser Open and Close 1: Dresser drawer being opened and closed
AOS01908 Dresser Drawer Open 2: Dresser drawer being opened
AOS01909 Dresser Drawer Shut 3: Dresser drawer being shut
AOS01913 Rolling Drawer Open and Shut 1: Drawer on rollers opening and shutting
AOS01914 Rolling Drawer Open 1: Drawer on rollers opening
AOS01915 Cosmetic Cabinet Open and Close 1: Cosmetic cabinet above sink opened and closed
AOS01920 Oven Timer Bell 1: Timer on oven goes ding
AOS01944 Nuts Dropped on Table 1: Handful of nuts dropped on table
AOS02005 Tin Can Open 1: Tin can is opened
AOS02006 Tin Lid on Counter 1: Lid from tin can placed on counter
AOS02007 Empyting Can of Contents 1: Emptying food from tin can
AOS02305 Busted Faucet 1: Broken faucet jerks and lunges terribly
AOS02354 Boiling 2: Sound of water or soup boiling
AOS02355 Kettle Whistle 1: Tea kettle starts to steam and then whistles shrilly
All above 56 sounds
: Complete AOS Household 2
AOS Household 3
Architect of Sound
AOS02358 Pouring Milk 1: Pouring milk into a bowl of cereal
AOS02449 Pouring Milk Quick 1: Fast pour of milk
AOS02452 Shaking Cereal 1: Shaking cereal into bowl
AOS02453 Shaking Cereal 2: Shaking cereal into bowl
AOS02500 Pan Sizzle 1: Cold water hits hot greasy pan and sizzles righteously
AOS02501 Lighting a Stovetop Burner 1: Clicks of stovetop burner lighter with flame
AOS02502 Lighting a Stovetop Burner 2: Clicks of stovetop burner lighter with flame
AOS02503 Gas Stovetop 1: Burning gas of stovetop
AOS02664 Open Washer Angrily 1: Clothes washer is forcefully opened
AOS02665 Slam Washer Shut 1: Clothes washer lid is slammed shut
AOS02666 Open Washer 1: Clothes washer is opened
AOS02667 Shut Washer 1: Clothes washer is shut
AOS02668 Shut Washer 2: Clothes washer is shut
AOS02669 Slam Washer Shut 2: Clothes washer lid is slammed shut
AOS02675 Vacuum 1: Vacuum cleaner runs
AOS02680 Vacuum 2: Vacuum cleaner runs
AOS02681 Boiling 2: Boiling liquid bubbles
AOS02682 Boiling 3: Boiling liquid bubbles
AOS02685 Wash Dishes 1: The sounds of washing dishes
AOS02741 Crack Open Egg with Knife 1: Cracking open boiled egg with knife
AOS02743 Crack Open Egg with Knife 2: Cracking open boiled egg with knife
AOS02744 Crack Open Egg with Knife 3: Cracking open boiled egg with knife
AOS02745 Scrape Boiled Egg 1: Scraping boiled egg out of shell
AOS02755 Pepper Grinder 1: Grinder pepper with a hand held grinder
AOS02756 Toilet Paper Holder 1: Toilet paper holder sounds
AOS02757 Toilet Paper Holder 2: Toilet paper holder sounds
AOS02758 Toilet Paper Rip 1: Ripping toilet paper
AOS02760 Toilet Paper Rip 3: Ripping toilet paper
AOS02766 Shower Curtain 1: Shower curtain opened or closed
AOS02767 Shower Curtain 2: Shower curtain opened or closed
AOS02768 Shower Curtain 3: Shower curtain opened or closed
AOS02770 Shower Curtain 4: Shower curtain opened or closed
AOS02771 Shower Curtain 5: Shower curtain opened or closed
AOS02788 Toilet Flush 4: Flushing a toilet
AOS02793 Toilet Plunger: Plunging a toilet
AOS02832 Pipe Noise: Noises from basement pipes
AOS02833 Industrial Basement Noise: Noises from industrial basement
AOS02918 Plate Stacking 1: Stacking plates
AOS02919 Plate Stack Sound 1: Single plate stack sound
AOS02920 Plate Stacking 2: Stacking plates
AOS02921 Plate Stack Sound 2: Single plate stack sound
AOS02928 Trash Can Knock: Knocking a trash can
AOS02929 Plastic Container Bangs 1: Bang of a plastic container
AOS02934 Scraping a Burner: Cleaning a burner with a metal brush
AOS02939 Pepper Grinder 2: Grinder pepper with a hand held grinder
AOS02942 Trash Can Thud: Knocking a trash can
AOS02974 Refrigerator Rustling: Searching for chow in a fridge
AOS02975 Refrigerator Shelf Bang 1: Banging a refrigerator shelf
AOS02976 Refrigerator Shelf Bang 2: Banging a refrigerator shelf
AOS02977 Refrigerator Shelf Bang 3: Banging a refrigerator shelf
AOS02978 Refrigerator Door Close: Closing a refrigerator
All above 51 sounds:
Complete AOS Household 3
AOS Human Physical Sounds 1
Architect of Sound
39 Human physical sounds
[Tempo: / 0 BPM]
AOS00076 Washing Hands 1: Washing hands in faucet
AOS00160 Bar Crowd Clapping 1: Cheering and sporadic clapping of a bar crowd after or before a performance
AOS00161 Small Crowd Clapping 3: Cheering and sporadic clapping of a bar crowd after or before a performance
AOS00162 Audience Applause SFX 1: Audience clapping
AOS00163 Small Crowd Clapping 1: High quality up-close stereo recording of about 30 people clapping and cheering
AOS00164 Small Crowd Clapping 2: High quality up-close stereo recording of about 30 people clapping and cheering
AOS00165 Wedding Applause 1: Exited cheering and clapping of wedding guests outside after ceremony
AOS00173 Heartbeat 1: Steady heartbeat
AOS00174 Heartbeat 2: Steady heartbeat
AOS00175 Heartbeat 3: Steady heartbeat
AOS00176 Heart Deep n Slow 1: Steady deep and slow heartbeat
AOS00177 Heart Speed Up 1: Heartbeat starts slow then speeds up and intensifies under stress and pressure
AOS00178 Heartbeat Speed Up Low 1: Heartbeat starts slow then speeds up and intensifies under stress and pressure
AOS00179 Heartbeat Speed Up Low 2: Heartbeat starts slow then speeds up and intensifies under stress and pressure
AOS00180 Urinating 1: High quality up close stereo recording of urinating into a toilet
AOS00181 Urinating 2: High quality up close stereo recording of urinating into a toilet
AOS00182 Sipping Coffee 1 : Short sip of coffee with swallow and ah
AOS00183 Chewing a Cracker 1: Crunching and munching a cracker with slight lip smacking
AOS00184 Crinkling Cracker Bag 1: A plastic cracker bag being crinkled
AOS00185 Footsteps High Heels in Hallway 1: High quality stereo recording of a woman in high heels walking down a hallway
AOS00186 Footsteps High Heels in Hallway 2: High quality stereo recording of a woman walking in high heels in a wallway
AOS00187 Footsteps Hallway 1: Slow walking of heels on hallway with much room reverb
AOS00188 Footsteps on Concrete Steps 1: Medium paced walking up concrete steps with sneakers
AOS00189 Footsteps on Gravel 1: Medium paced walking of boots on gravel
AOS00190 Footsteps on Wooden Stairs 1: High quality stereo footsteps walking up creaky wooden stairs
AOS00620 Kiss 1: Single quick power kiss
AOS00729 Pounding Water/Liquid and Big Burp 1: Bottle of water slammed then major burp
AOS00730 Pounding Water/Liquid 1: Sound of very fast drinking in throat
AOS00731 Big Burp 1: Very big burp
AOS00732 Deep Burp 1: Hearty deep burp
AOS00741 Urinating in Public Bathroom 1: Urinating with background noise in public bathroom
AOS00762 Nose Blow 1: Quick dry nose blow into tissue
AOS00763 Short Cough 1: Short quick cough
AOS00764 Kiss 2: Strong kissing sound
AOS00765 Funny Kiss 1: Weird funny kissing sound
AOS00766 Quick Kiss 1: Short pucker kiss
AOS00787 Wood Steps 1: Footsteps moderately pounding down wooden stairs
AOS00861 Urinating 3: Male urinating
AOS00995 Urinating 4: Male urinating
All above 39 sounds: Complete AOS Human Physical Sounds 1
AOS Human Physical Sounds 2
Architect of Sound
AOS01061 Open Hand Table Hit 1: Open hand smack down on wood table
AOS01062 Open Hand Table Hit 2: Open hand smack down on wood table
AOS01063 Open Hand Table Hit 3: Open hand smack down on wood table
AOS01064 Open Hand Table Hit 4: Open hand smack down on wood table
AOS01065 Sitting Down on Cushion Chair 1: Cushion and chair sounds as person sits down
AOS01066 Sitting Down on Cushion Chair 2: Cushion and chair sounds as person sits down
AOS01067 Sitting Down on Cushion Chair 3: Cushion and chair sounds as person sits down
AOS01068 Swallow then Breath 1: Swallowing liquid followed by a quick breath
AOS01069 Sip then Swallow 1: Quick sip followed by a swallow
AOS01070 Swallow 1: Swallowing sound
AOS01071 Sip then Swallow 2: Quick sip followed by a swallow
AOS01072 Sip 1: Sipping sound
AOS01073 Swallow 2: Swallowing sound
AOS01074 Sip then Swallow 3: Quick sip followed by a swallow
AOS01075 Sip then Swallow 4: Quick sip followed by a swallow
AOS01076 Long Sip 1: Long sipping sound
AOS01077 Sip 2: Sipping sound
AOS01078 Swallow 3: Swallowing sound
AOS01079 Sip 3: Sipping sound
AOS01080 Sip then Swallow 5: Quick sip followed by a swallow
AOS01081 Sip 4: Sipping sound
AOS01082 Sip 5: Sipping sound
AOS01083 Swallow 4: Swallowing sound
AOS01118 Running and Skipping through Leaves 1: Running and skipping through autumn leaves
AOS01152 Slap 1: Quick slap with hand
AOS01162 Footsteps Creaky Wood 1: Two short footsteps on creaky wood
AOS01166 Boots on Wood 1: Footsteps on wooden deck or dock
AOS01167 Boots on Wood 2: Footsteps on wooden deck or dock
AOS01168 Boots on Wood 3: Footsteps on wooden deck or dock
AOS01171 Walking through Leaves 1: Walking through rustling fallen leaves
AOS01172 Walking through Leaves 3: Walking through rustling fallen leaves
AOS01174 Walking through Leaves 2: Walking through rustling leaves
AOS01175 Two Sniffs 1: Two sniffs or sniffles
AOS01176 One Sniff 1: One sniff or sniffle
AOS01177 One Sniff 2: One sniff or sniffle
AOS01178 Two Sniffs 2: Two sniffs or sniffles
AOS01179 One Sniff 3: One sniff or sniffle
AOS01180 One Sniff 4: One sniff or sniffle
AOS01181 Walking through Leaves 3: Walking through rustling fallen leaves
AOS01182 Running through Leaves 1: Running through rustling fallen leaves
AOS01183 Running through Leaves 2: Running through rustling fallen leaves
All above 41 sounds:
Complete AOS Human Physical Sounds 2
AOS Human Physical Sounds 3
Architect of Sound
AOS01197 Skipping through Leaves 1: Skipping through rustling fallen leaves
AOS01199 Wooden Floor Run 1: Fast run on wooden floor
AOS01202 Wooden Floor Run 2: Fast run on wooden floor
AOS01203 Run and Fall onto Wooden Floor 1: Fast run and crash onto wooden floor
AOS01220 Finger Snap 1: Single finger snap
AOS01221 Finger Snaps Two 1: Two finger snaps
AOS01222 Finger Snaps Three 1: Three finger snaps
AOS01223 Finger Snap 2: Single finger snap
AOS01224 Finger Snap 3: Single finger snap
AOS01427 Toddler Coughs 1: Sick Toddler Coughs Quickly 1
AOS01451 Monster Sneeze 1: Huge sneeze
AOS01452 Monster Sneeze 2: Huge sneeze
AOS01453 Big Sniff: One sniff or sniffle
AOS01454 One Sniff 5: One sniff or sniffle
AOS01474 Small Crowd Clapping 4: Small crowd clapping
AOS01486 Walking in Jeans through Gym: Walking on a gym floor in blue jeans
AOS01488 Lady Coughs Twice: Lady coughs twice
AOS01489 Lady Coughs Three Times: Lady coughs three times
AOS01552 Footsteps on Wooden Stairs 2: Walking up wooden stairs
AOS01573 1931 Model T Idling: Authentic 1931 Model T idling
AOS01574 Sneeze 1: Sneezing
AOS01575 Sneeze 2: Sneezing
AOS01576 Sneeze 3: Sneezing
AOS01577 Nose Blow: Blowing of a nose
AOS01587 Writing with Pencil: Scratching sound of writing with pencil
AOS01588 Finger Nail Tapping 1: Lady impatiently tapping fingernails
AOS01654 Crowd Applause Outside 1: Medium sized crowd clapping
AOS01658 Crowd Applause Outside 2: Medium sized crowd clapping
AOS01665 Walking through Water 1: Walking through water
AOS01670 Footsteps on Dock: Walking on a dock
AOS01678 Jumping Rope 1: Jumping rope
AOS01679 Jumping Rope 2: Jumping rope
AOS01680 Jumping Rope 3: Jumping rope
AOS01685 Can Rummaging: Rummaging through cans
AOS01696 Walking through Water 2: Walking through water
AOS01819 Eating Salad: Eating salad sounds
AOS01831 Flip Flips Flops on Carpet: Walking in flip flops on carpet
AOS01848 Apple Bite 1: Chomp of a crisp juicy apple
AOS01853 Eating an Apple: Biting and chewing a fresh apple
AOS01854 Apple Bite 2: Chomp of a crisp juicy apple
AOS01855 Apple Bite 3: Chomp of a crisp juicy apple
AOS01856 Eating an Apple 2: Biting and chewing a fresh apple
AOS01857 Apple Bite 4: Chomp of a crisp juicy apple
AOS01858 Apple Bite 5: Chomp of a crisp juicy apple
All above 44 sounds
: Complete AOS Human Physical Sounds 3