O.R. Music

Working as a composer, sound engineer, and music producer, I spend my days finding the musical magic that fascinates my senses and drives me to explore new sounds, techniques and styles. I can be found wandering out of an old church that has been converted into a cutting-edge recording space where I write, record, mix, discover, and hopefully inspire.
I have been fortunate to have diverse experiences in music, ranging from live performances with my band to consulting and construction of more than a few recording studios across the globe. You may have also heard music that I have written in popular commercials for Nestle, Vodafone, Chevrolet, Mountain View, and many others, or perhaps some of the more epic pieces I have penned over the years, ranging from Classic Rock scores to Electronica trailers.

Over the years I’ve had the privilege of working with a number of the largest companies as well as popular artists and entertainers and other industry professionals. I’m also the founder of a renowned recording studio with a long list of artists that have come in to create and collaborate.

Creating a powerful mood and building a unique soundscape is what drives my desire, and I feel endlessly lucky that my passion and profession manage to fit in the same hours of my day. Whether I am writing corporate advertising tracks or scoring a feature film, my goal is to help fulfill a vision and deliver an unforgettable sonic imprint to any project I am part of.