Stock Music track: See You Tomorrow


A delicate, reflective and softly spoken, lovely piano music theme. Relaxing and uncomplicated. Touching and gently flowing. Dreamy, happy and soothing. T25587 12.95 9.95

Track details

Track ID number: 25587
Genres: Soft: General Soft / Romance -- Soft: Piano Music / Solo Piano
Moods/Emotions: Happy / Joyful / Positive -- Laid back / Easy-going / Chilled -- Angelic / Heavenly / Delightful -- Floating / Ethereal / Dreamy -- Loving / Romantic / Tender -- Reflective / Thoughtful / Introspective -- Sweet / Pretty / Adorable / Innocent
Suggested Production Types: Charity / PSA / Community -- Drama / Personal stories -- Family / Light Entertainment -- House Makeover / Property Show -- Love Story / Romance -- Relaxation / Spa / Indulgence -- TV Commercial - Reflection / Thoughtful -- TV Commercial - Sweet / Adorable
Prominent Instruments: Piano (Acoustic)
Keywords / Hints: soothing piano, soft piano, relaxing, relax, relaxing piano, sweet, innocent, innocence, smooth piano, light piano, delicate, classical piano, easy, easy piano, contemplation, contemplative, mellow, touching, tender, tenderness, bliss, blissful, tasteful, melancholic, mellow piano, dreamy, dreamy piano, reflective, reflective piano, drama piano
Tempo feel: Slow -- Medium
Tempo Beats Per Minute: 94
Artist: LUCENZ
Composer: Enzo Orefice (SIAE - IPI#: 184481647)
Publisher: Lynne Publishing (PRS - CAE#: 541626758)
SRCO (Sound Recording Copyright Owner): Lynne Publishing AS
PRO / Non-PRO Track? PRO (What's this?)
WAV file bit depth: HD / 24-Bit (What's this?)
Stem files available for this track: Yes
Album containing this track: (None)
About the Artist

LUCENZ is the collaborative artist name by the creative duo Enzo Orefice and Luciano Pizzella. 

LUCIANO PIZZELLA: Eclectic, versatile and non-linear are the keywords to describe Luciano Pizzella. Emerged in the early 2000s as an electronic music producer, he has over the years expanded his repertoire to much wider musical styles. He is focused on a continuous research of the perfect balance between the music of the past and new future musical scenarios. Luciano is a multi-instrumentalist (mainly synthesizers, guitar, bass, saxophone and piano) and manages his productions from recording to mastering using mainly hardware vintage gears.

ENZO OREFICE is an Italian musician, pianist and composer. Graduated in piano, music teaching and jazz music, he has collaborated with many important Italian jazz players and has participated in important jazz festivals. Enzo is a multi-instrumentalist (piano, guitar, bass, percussion, accordion). In the last few years he has released a lot of music for digital platforms, enjoying a wide success with listeners. He is currently a piano teacher and works as a composer and pianist.