Royalty Free Music track: In Former Times

Nice and catchy melody, voice over, bright, warm, positive mood.

One music loop
  • $12.00
All versions
  • $42.00 T6729 12.00 42.00

Track details

Track ID number: 6729
Genres: Pop: General / Feelgood Pop
Moods/Emotions: Busy / Active / Bustling -- Laid back / Easy-going / Chilled -- Reflective / Thoughtful / Introspective
Suggested Production Types: House Makeover / Property Show -- Technology / Hi-tech / Industry -- Teen / Youth / School
Prominent Instruments: Drum machine / Electronic drums -- Ethereal Pads / Soundscapes -- Synth Pads -- Synthesizers
Keywords / Hints: warm positive uplift uplifting pop new news technology hi tech hitech hi-tech
Tempo feel: Medium
Tempo Beats Per Minute: 112
Artist: Stormorts
Composer: Andreas Lutz
Publisher: Andreas Lutz (no affiliation)
SRCO (Sound Recording Copyright Owner): Andreas Lutz
PRO / Non-PRO Track? Non PRO (What's this?)
WAV file bit depth: CD-quality / 16-bit (What's this?)
Stem files available for this track: No
Album containing this track:  Chillout Vol. 9 Picture Music collection: Chillout Vol. 9
14 tracks
About the Artist
Stormorts Stormorts

The music of Stormorts is inspired by the genres of pop, electronic and film score. Listening to his music is like a flashback into real life scenes and the special atmosphere of these places. Some tracks evolve from sound collages at urban places and the adoption of local sound ambience and are then merged into this individual character. This fusion of electronic beats, expressive synths and acoustic instruments together with catchy melodies has already been used by many well-known international brands.

Royalty affiliation: (none).