Film & Soundtrack: Introspective / Thoughtful / Reflective underscoresGenre

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In this category you will find atmospheric production music with beautiful piano parts, ambient backgrounds, organic sounds of orchestral strings. Royalty free music that will inspire, sadden, arouse melancholic, introspective and reflective mood in you. Film background music that will be used in dramas, TV and other media.

'Deep Secrets' is a collection of 7 music tracks primarily made for love story or love drama. The tracks share a common main melodic theme which is hinted in each of the 7 pieces, in various different settings, which make these compositions work well either separately, or together. This music carries a certain bittersweet feeling, of longing and despair, but also of hope and tenderness. The short piece 'Love Letters' hints at a forbidden love. The much longer 'Love Promise' tells of true love, with it's tender and sparse guitar and piano melodies which later lead into an all-out tear jerker complete with Irish flute and sweeping strings that climax at around 3:45. Then there is the much darker 'Bittersweet' that tells of danger and longing, whilst the short piece 'Mystery' sets the scene for personal reflection or a puzzle. Throughout the collection, the arrangement is dominated by piano, acoustic guitar, cello, Irish flute and string section, with occasional other instruments. [Tempo: Slow / 91 BPM]

This track is recorded with a real live orchestra. Emotional, contemporary mix of orchestra and piano. From pensive and thoughtful offering hope and comfort at the top to grand and glorious, life loving celebratory culmination later in the mix. Good for drama, storytelling, contemplative narrative such as documentary, biography, poetry and visuals such as time lapse. Orchestration includes piano, strings, french horns, harp, flute, oboe, and clarinet. Real orchestral recording of exeptional value. Multiple edits and versions with or without piano are available for your convenience. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow, Medium / 0 BPM]

Mellow, but uplifting track with piano and subtle backing. Warm, reflective, hopeful and heartening. [Tempo: Slow / 70 BPM]

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A classical piano piece with a nostalgic sound and a somewhat thoughtful, contemplative and melancholic mood. Graceful and delicate, this touching piano music also has a slight sense of mystery or perhaps history. An alternative, 'Nostalgic Piano Sound' version is also available. [Tempo: Slow / 0 BPM]

A slow paced, dark theme track with cold piano and static noise elements. Made in a genre of chill step or liquid dubstep, this track creates a great dark or disturbing atmosphere without sounding too dissonant. The deep, low bass is riddled with distorted effects. Haunting piano sound distant and eerie. This track will work well for scenes of separation, depression, dark times etc. Also works in CSI investigation or crime scene / undercover etc. [Tempo: Slow / 65 BPM]

A tender, nostalgic and wistful piano solo track. Perhaps dearly held memories, endless love or personal reflection. Beautiful and melodic, but also melancholic. [Tempo: Slow / 93 BPM]

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A dark and elegant royalty free piano track, it maintains a quiet suspense throughout. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

Emotional cinematic music track with a mysterious touch featuring piano, strings, electronic drum beat and atmospheric pads. [Tempo: Slow / 58 BPM]

Dramatic and emotive cinematic music track featuring piano, atmospheric pads, strings, electronic drum loops and ethnic percussion. Timeless, elegant, reflective. Mystery. [Tempo: Medium / 88 BPM]

A mellow, warm and comforting track with piano and subtle backing. Good hearted, reflective, sincere and touching. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 69 BPM]

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A slow and melancholy track with piano, pads and subtle percussion. Introspective, thoughtful, searching. This composition has an Epic feel, but in a subtle, understated way. Very emotive, contemplative and poignant. [Tempo: Slow / 61 BPM]

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A reflective, thoughtful and emotive composition, with a sense of coming to terms. Growing, nearing, increasing in strength and presence. The later parts of the tracks takes on an Epic, emotive feel. [Tempo: Slow / 135 BPM]

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Reflective, introspective, warm and melancholy composition. Some times the real value lies in the simple things. Close, personal, emotive, heartwarming. [Tempo: Slow / 77 BPM]

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Wistful / Touching / Flowing / Beauty / Delicate / Warm Music. Small orchestra soundtrack piece, featuring live performed orchestral instruments, suitable as music for film and other media. A Solo Piano version is also available. [Tempo: Slow / 72 BPM]

Subtle, soft and intriguing, this cue fits perfectly in documentary-style human interest stories. With a bed of slightly shifting synths, pads and soft percussion, the piano and bell melody leaves ample room for narration and voiceovers. Gray Areas/ Thinking Music /Human Interest . [Tempo: Slow / 90 BPM]

An inspirational and uplifting music track. Emotive and poignant, creating a cinematic experience great for trailers, films and presentations of various types. Touching / Heartening music. [Tempo: Slow / 101 BPM]

A delicate, reflective and pensive piano piece accompanied by strings and flute. It has a hopeful air about it conveying deep thought and emotion. [Tempo: Slow / 95 BPM]

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An intimate, ambient track featuring a blend of atmospheric pads, chamber strings and an evolving piano and cello melody. Spiritual, inspirational and touching. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 125 BPM]

A reflective, melancholic and wistful royalty free music soundtrack featuring a pulsating kalimba, piano and a gentle string ensemble. Thoughtful, insightful and contemplative, this track will go well with many types of melancholy, reflective, introspective and serious content, as well as scenes of nature, landscapes, community and charity, people and relationships. [Tempo: Slow / 135 BPM]

Neo classical music with a flowing, emotive, touching mood. Melancholy / Wistful / Hopeful / Longing. A sense of delicate, fragile beauty and hope. Orchestra arrangement with piano, strings, horns, woodwinds and vibraphone. Great for movie soundtrack, film & TV drama, storytelling. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 181 BPM]

A warm, gentle and reflective solo piano piece. Mellow and heartening, it has a slight tinge of melancholy, but is hopeful, dreamy and caressing. Available as a normal clean piano version, and as an 'old nostalgic piano sound' version. [Tempo: Slow / 0 BPM]

A suspenseful and stirring chamber music track starting with piano, and evolving into very cinematic, trailer track without percussion and brasses, making it slightly softer and cleaner trailer type of music. A sense of movement, activity, something building up, nearing, increasing. [The 'Radio Edit' version has been edited to reduce the 'intensity' of the most dramatic/climax part of the track. This could make it less suitable for drama, advertising etc. where you need a build-up to a climax, but more even-going, more suitable for just listening.] [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 190 BPM]

Deep, dramatic, mysterious and emotional cinematic music great for sci-fi and space-themed films, drama/intrigue, perhaps crime or personal themes, family secrets. Thoughtful / Introspective / Serious / Wonderment. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 100 BPM]

Piano, Soundtrack, Pensive, Indie Drama Music. Delicate yet disturbed solo piano piece, with some dreamy textural elements. Dramatic and self-contained, personal and intimate suffering. [Tempo: Slow / 0 BPM]

Piano and String Ensemble over modern Percussion elements and big Orchestral Drums. Longing for something with a hopeful drive, emotional and determined. Growing in stature and energy, before returning to a reflective conclusion.

[Tempo: Slow, Medium / 95 BPM]

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Acoustic guitar, piano and ethereal pads. Reflective, dreamy, melancholic and hazey. Available with or without 'oooh' type vocal. Good for film / drama, personal and touching stories, and poignant footage, perhaps something to do with humanity and the human condition. Imperfect, human, solemn. The piano part is performed on an old upright piano for a nice and nostalgic sound, and the vocal is deliberately unpolished. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 75 BPM]

Acoustic guitar music. Like a flower blossomed in slow motion, warm and hypnotic. Acoustic nylon guitar arpeggios leads to a state of glare and reflection. [Tempo: Medium / 120 BPM]

A melancholic and emotive film / drama underscore track with piano and strings. Hopeful / fragile / reflective / true. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

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Reflective and solemn underscore for film / TV. Piano and strings. Heartfelt / Warm / Melancholic. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 100 BPM]

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A soft, caring and soothing ambient guitar soundscape. Wide open aural landscapes leaves room to breathe. Reflective, melancholic, soft touch. Dreamy and mellow. [Tempo: Slow / 100 BPM]

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An open, transparent underscore music with a somewhat mysterious, pensive tone. Echoey guitars over a slightly dark drone. Thoughtful and reflective, perhaps regret or waiting for something. The end part takes on a more assertive, gloomy, doom laden feel. Also available as an Underscore version, and as a version without the drums. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 90 BPM]

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Balancing between drama and comedy, this track conveys anticipation as well as reflection and surprise. Pizzicato strings move the arrangement with the help of acoustic guitar, tremolo strings, piano, marimba, triangle, congas and other light percussion. Great for dramedy and romantic events with a melancholy twist. Excellent for tv/cable production, documentary, travel, personal development types of narratives. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 118 BPM]

Deep and mysterious, mystical, dreamy and other-worldly, this downbeat ambient piano and ‘skippy’ breaks track glides and floats creating a very relaxed and chilled out groove. Works great for spiritual and nature scenes or as a bed for voiceovers - the ‘no drums’ version ideal for relaxation, meditation, advertising. [Note: This track has a slighty "dusty" / "scratchy" sound. This is done on purpose, for effect. It is not an error with the file or weakness in the recording process]. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 112 BPM]

A soft and fragile piano piece. Tender / Melancholy / Reflective Music. Suitable as music for drama and storytelling, for relaxation or reflection. Available with or without FX on the piano (prepared piano or straight piano versions). [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

Delicate, touching, fragile and beautiful piano composition, with subtle strings. Reflective / Emotive / Tender. Available also as a solo piano track, and with/without FX on the piano (prepared piano / straight piano). [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 57 BPM]

Introspective, reflective, touching, fragile and beautiful piano composition, with subtle strings and bass. Emotive / Tender / Sincere. Available also as a solo piano track, and with/without FX on the piano (prepared piano / straight piano). [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

Soft and introspective solo piano music. Deep cinematic atmosphere, with a hint of Debussy and Eric Satie. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 0 BPM]

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A Neo-classical, semi-orchestral piece for film, television and more. Rhythmic, methodical, almost slightly hypnotizing, this track keeps developing, growing and building throughout, but maintains a steadily ticking rhythmic feel, as if it's all connected, all intervowen, systematic and methodical. Good for presentations and commercials, or as an underscore for a developing story. A bit quirky. The tempo of this track matches exactly to seconds ticking. [Tempo: Medium / 120 BPM]

A beautiful, touching and graceful, cinematic music track based on a memorable piano theme, strings and subtle orchestral brass. Poignant / Fragile / Haunting / Introspective Music. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 65 BPM]

Ambient, fragile, reflective Piano & Pads. Melancholy / Introspective / Searching Music. More hopeful second half. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

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Ambient, fragile, reflective Piano & Pads. Slow / Sad / Melancholic. Poignant and Emotive. Touching and Personal. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

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Ambient music; fragile, reflective Piano & Pads. Slow / Introspective / Accepting / Coming to terms. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

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Ambient, fragile, reflective Piano & Pads. Delicate / Touching / Mellow. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

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A thoughtful music track with moody pads and sustained strings. The cinematic piano gives this track emotion and is ideal for creating a thoughtful and reflective feel. Space / Cosmos / Underwater Music. [Tempo: Slow / 120 BPM]

Ambient, fragile, reflective Piano & Pads. Mellow, Dreamy. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

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Ambient, fragile, reflective Piano & Pads. Emotive, Dreamy, Nostalgic. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

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Ambient, fragile, reflective Piano & Pads. Slow / Graceful / Soothing / Introspective. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

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Ambient, fragile, reflective Piano & Pads. Emotive, Passionate, Soaring. Wonderment / Epiphany / Awakening. [Tempo: Slow / 0 BPM]

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Ambient, fragile, reflective Piano & Pads. Slow / Dreamy / Affectionate / Delicate. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

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This thoughtful and reflective piano piece carries a lot of emotion and depth. Joined by subtle orchestra (strings, oboe) in the second half, this is a complex and graceful composition that gets under your skin. Hollywood class, emotive and melancholic, this track is great for drama, personal reflection, sadness, lost love, perhaps regret or memories of loved ones. A very poignant and touching track. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 62 BPM]

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