Vocal Singer-Songwriter: Royalty free music with vocalsGenre

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Royalty-free vocal music in singer-songwriter style with lyrics can be found on this page. Browse and listen, add to cart, license and download in WAV and MP3 format. License individual tracks, pay for only what you actually want to use. This vocal stock music library features professional singers & songwriters from the U.S. and the UK. A hreat vocal background music library.

This acoustic track has a medium-high energy level throughout. Very catchy chorus melody, a total sing-along. Happy, warm, insightful. This song would work well for Disney or children programs. Available as a vocal version and an instrumental version. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 159 BPM]

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This acoustic pop track is a walk-paced anthem for youth and growing up. Insightful lyrics, soaring violins, bass and driving piano. Available as a vocal version and an instrumental version. [Tempo: Medium / 123 BPM]

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A love song that starts softly with gentle acoustic guitar and male vocal. Building up into uplifting chorus with strings, piano and many vocals. Instrumental version also available. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 87 BPM]

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A gentle acoustic love song with picked acoustic guitar, male main vocal and female backing vocals. Soft piano entering at 1:21. The lyrics are about falling for the ‘wrong’ person. Instrumental version also available. [Tempo: Slow / 81 BPM]

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Layers of soft pop acoustic guitar melodies and many layers of soft vocals in the intro give way to a simple gentle male vocal in the verse. Electric guitars and drums add a new dimension at 2:40. Instrumental version also available. [Tempo: Slow / 70 BPM]

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A love song about falling in love and the beginnings of a new relationship. Bright acoustic rhythm guitars, piano backing, male main vocal and female backing vocals. Building up to uplifting final chorus. Instrumental version also available. [Tempo: Slow / 90 BPM]

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A folk/country song about the inner turmoil after moving on from a relationship, hoping you’ve made the correct decision. Starting with gentle acoustic rhythm guitar and male vocal, building into uplifting chorus with drums, strings, electric guitar and backing vocals. Electric guitar solo at 1:30, and 3:10. Fading down to quiet ending of just strings and gentle vocal. Instrumental version also available. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 66 BPM]

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A heart warming gentle but building folk song with picked acoustic guitar and gentle acoustic slide guitar and piano. Male main vocal and female backing vocal. Light percussion played on congas, with light drum kit entering at 2:20. The lyrics tell a story of appreciation of some of the simple things in life. Instrumental version also available. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 105 BPM]

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Starting with soft acoustic guitar, gentle organ and female vocal, this song builds up into chorus with male vocal and harmonies followed by slide electric solo at 1:33. This slide electric continues through the next verse building again into big double chorus with uplifting backing vocals. Long electric guitar solo begins at 3:28. The lyrics are about the two different sides of a relationship, told with both male and female main vocals. Instrumental version also available. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 124 BPM]

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An upbeat acoustic pop-rock song with high bright sounding acoustic guitars and uplifting chorus. A relaxed main male vocal with female backing vocals. The lyrics tell the story of how sometimes no matter what you do, it’s never the right thing for some people. Instrumental version also available. [Tempo: Medium / 100 BPM]

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This song was written to get some frustrations out of my system. When everyone seems to have these ideas and plans for you but they aren't what you have planned for yourself but you can't get anyone to listen. The lyrics are about turning it around and seeing yourself more positively. Not everyone is perfect but you can't worry about letting other people down, you need to take care of yourself. Available as a vocal version and an instrumental version. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 100 BPM]

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This song is to describe that utter darkness you feel after a recent break-up and nothing in your life or routine seems normal anymore, something's missing. You desperately cling to anything that reminds you of that old life, even if it isn't real. You can't seem to fall asleep without that warm body next to you in bed. You just want to hold or talk to that person. You miss them so much. The lyrics cite- it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all-and although that might be true, it still makes getting over someone really hard. Available as a vocal version and an instrumental version. [Tempo: Slow / 70 BPM]

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This song I wrote to cope with someone I loved very much who I knew I was going to lose but not ready to let go of. These lyrics are my lullaby to a little boy who was taken from us much too soon in life. He was a fighter and a dreamer and I hope this song does his life some justice. This is my way of never letting him go from my heart. I wish I could have held on to him forever. Available as a vocal version and an instrumental version. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

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This song is to represent the feeling that anything is possible, that there is new excitement in your life. Listening to this makes you want to smile and bop up and down. Addresses emotions such as hurt, past loves, ignored, and heartbroken. The lyrics are about that spark you feel with the arrival of a new potential relationship and you're so excited that you just can't contain yourself. You feel weightless and hopeful. Available as a vocal version and an instrumental version. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 69 BPM]

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This song is about not being ready to give up on what you want, no matter the obstacles, whether they be internal or external. You are hopeful and have great ideas for future. The lyrics are about leaving everything bad behind you and running towards good, no matter how you may struggle. The lyrics are about not giving up, and not letting things get in your way. Nothing can stop you now! Available as a vocal version and an instrumental version. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 80 BPM]

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This song is my love letter to the boy I was dating who was really struggling to let his past pain and relationships go, to be able to trust me with his heart. He had some awful pain and it was my way of saying not to worry, I'll take care of you. Let me remind you of how bad she was, and how good I am-it's time to let her go. [Tempo: Medium / 83 BPM]

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A relaxed acoustic guitar based song with a Classical guitar intro. Featuring a male main vocal and a female backing vocal. Other instruments include Hammond organ, drums, and fretless bass guitar. [Tempo: Slow / 76 BPM]

A gentle picked guitar intro is joined by atmospheric piano and cellos. A main male vocal tells the story of the huge impact of a visit to Stockholm, Sweden. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 61 BPM]

A strong funky acoustic song about returning home. Featuring acoustic guitars, organ, drums, strong bass line and male vocals. [Tempo: Medium / 100 BPM]

A gentle song about not knowing what the future holds, and not being able to control it. Featuring softly played acoustic guitar, percussion and fretless bass guitar. [Tempo: Slow / 74 BPM]

An uplifting acoustic track with guitars, fretless bass, main male vocal, female backing vocal, drums, and piano. A song about being prepared to face change. [Tempo: Medium / 78 BPM]

A haunting acoustic guitar based song about “love at the first sight”, featuring male main vocal, female backing vocals, fretless bass and light percussion. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 76 BPM]

A softly picked acoustic guitar based love song track with gentle male vocal. Also featuring fretless bass guitar and soft percussion. [Tempo: Slow / 76 BPM]

A building and uplifting song about expressing supressed feelings. Featuring acoustic guitar, organ, and male vocal, later joined by bass guitar and percussion. [Tempo: Slow / 67 BPM]

A gentle love song with acoustic guitar and male vocal. Building slowly with synths, and bass guitar with a piano interlude. [Tempo: Slow / 67 BPM]

A reflective acoustic guitar based song featuring organ, percussion, bass and male main vocal. [Tempo: Slow / 100 BPM]

A song about compromising in love with simple production of just a male vocal, acoustic guitar and gentle shakers. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 77 BPM]

A sentimental country song about the people in our lives. It incorporates organ, bass, piano, electric guitar, and strings. Also available as an instrumental version. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 70 BPM]

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This is a very powerful acoustic/alternative song with male driven vocals about a rough breakup and the pain someone is going through. The song builds from start to finish and has a very big and dynamic bridge & ending. Also available in an Instrumental version. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

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This is a very dynamic male vocal/piano driven song about being there for someone when they need help. Huge band intro after the 2nd chorus with beautiful strings. Also available in an Instrumental version. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

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This is an upbeat country folk song with male vocals about appreciating all the things someone has done for you. Lots of group vocals and catchy melodies. Also available in an Instrumental version. [Tempo: Slow, Medium, Fast / 0 BPM]

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This is an acoustic male vocal driven laid back song about being there for someone if they are having problems and need to cry. Has a very John Mayer / jazzy / gospel feel with group vocals and lots of harmonies. Also available in an Instrumental version. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 124 BPM]

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This is an upbeat country pop song with male vocals about losing a girl to another guy. It's acoustic till about 2 mins into the song when a full band comes in with a rockin' guitar solo. Also available in an Instrumental version. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 163 BPM]

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This is a male vocal driven dynamic piano song about watching a relationship fall apart and not being able to fix it. This is a slower song with a beautiful cello part accompanying the piano & vocals. Also available in an Instrumental version. [Tempo: Slow / 77 BPM]

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This is an upbeat acoustic pop song about having a bad day. Nothing's going your way and you're heading for a breakdown. Male driven vocals, lots of harmonies, and a catchy lead acoustic melody. Also available in an Instrumental version. [Tempo: Medium / 120 BPM]

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Light acoustic pop/rock - Singer-songwriter. Unplugged version with only acoustic guitar and male vocal. Also available as an instrumental version with just the acoustic guitar. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 0 BPM]

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Acoustic driven alternative/pop song by Jamestown Story about having relationship troubles. Song starts off acoustic, with a full band coming in halfway through. Male vocals and group vocals. Also available in an Instrumental version. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 135 BPM]

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This is an upbeat indie/folk song about feeling lost and hoping to find something better in life. This is a male vocal driven song with lots of harmonies and catchy acoustic/banjo lead line. Also available in an Instrumental version. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 165 BPM]

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This is a folk/indie acoustic song with male vocals about leaving their home to find themselves, and along the way they meet a stranger who inspires them. Also available in an Instrumental version. [Tempo: Medium / 102 BPM]

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This is an upbeat electronic, male vocal driven pop song about knowing someone who is hooked on drugs and needs to stop. Very emotional lyrics and catchy melodies. Also available in an Instrumental version. [Tempo: Medium / 115 BPM]

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This is an acoustic song with male vocals that starts off with a cinematic intro and then goes into emotional lyrics about being in love. [Tempo: Medium / 140 BPM]

This is a happy acoustic male and female vocal song about giving your everything to someone you love. The lyrics are thanking that special person for putting up with all the things the singer has put them through in the past. With guest vocalist Liz Akhavan. [Tempo: Medium / 176 BPM]

This song is about forgetting about someone on New Years Eve. It is about new beginnings and a fresh start, a holiday themed song that is meant for those who want to move on and start over.. Its about New Years resolutions. [Tempo: Fast / 150 BPM]

This song is a dramatic story about star crossed lovers, doomed to fail, asking whether or not they were meant to be together. It’s about naivety, and young love questioning its merit. It’s about not knowing whether to call it quits, and all of the pain involved in rocky relationships. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 145 BPM]

This song is a story about 18 year old love, lasting for a few years and seemingly perfect at first. It’s about it falling apart and how those years seem to go to waste. It’s about young love and finding a way to get over it. Its about the first big break up we all have, and dealing with the betrayal and harsh feelings that follow. [Tempo: Fast / 153 BPM]

This song is about the struggles of pursuing your dreams. Its about putting everything you have on the line and putting life on hold while you take a big risk. Its acoustic and soft for the most part, but the vocals open up to a climax near the end. Would be very great for inspiration pieces and bits about being motivated to chase your dreams. Features guest vocalist Liz Akhavan. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 155 BPM]

A love song about being away from the person you love and missing them. Has a Christmas feel to it. Available as a vocal version and an instrumental version. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 120 BPM]

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This song is about a person giving themselves to another completely only to be rejected by the other person. We often go through situations where our love is not reciprocated and this song is a reflection of that. [Tempo: Medium / 170 BPM]

This song is told from the perspective of a wallflower. This person witnesses two potential lovers, neither one has the confidence to approach each other. This is a reflection of all the potentially life changing situations we often pass up due to our lack of faith in ourselves. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 175 BPM]

This song is about being totally enamored with a significant other. With an overwhelming passion and appreciation for a person, this song reflects one's love for every aspect of another. [Tempo: Slow / 138 BPM]

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