Liam KillenArtist

Found 112 tracks, displaying page 1 of 3

A nice and flowing Indie pop/folk/rock track with a nice vocal ooh ooh type hook. Driven by electric guitar riffs and high energy, compressed drum sounds, this dynamic piece is suitable for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 98 BPM]

A driving, upbeat track with modern/futuristic sounding melodies. Features A catchy male vocal phrase along with high energy guitar and drums. Diverse and can be used in a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 132 BPM]

Inspired by modern day rock bands this high energy track features a male vocal chant accompanied by electric guitar and driving bass. Diverse and suitable for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 124 BPM]

A folk track with driving acoustic guitar and catchy piano. Has an americana folk feel with cute upbeat melodies throughout. Sounds youthful and is suitable for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 111 BPM]

A cute piano driven track with gentle melodies accompanied by acoustic guitar. This composition builds throughout, becomes high energy by the end. Suitable for a large variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 117 BPM]

A calm folk track with gentle acoustic guitar. Accompanied by soothing piano melodies, light electric guitar and subtle percussion. Suitable for large variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 113 BPM]

A folk track with acoustic guitar along with a whistled melody, accompanied by Piano. Has an americana folk feel to it. Suitable for a large variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 91 BPM]

An electrified indie-pop inspired piece with an acoustic guitar melody throughout. Features unison chorus vocals. Very anthemic and high energy. Versatile and useful for a variety of projects. Available with or without the vocal chants. [Tempo: Medium / 100 BPM]

An EDM inspired track with new wave synth sounds, but also with an indie / folk feel. Also features an upbeat whistle melody and vocal oh’s. Groovy, dynamic and uplifting. Available with or without the vocal hooks and the whistling. [Tempo: Medium / 122 BPM]

An indie folk pop track starting strong with driving guitar and drums. Heavily electric guitar driven, this tune is suitable for a variety of projects and gives a motivational and inspiring feeling. Available with or without the vocal hooks. [Tempo: Slow, Medium, Fast / 130 BPM]

A soulful composition that features a buttery female vocal which then escalates into a chorus chant. High energy, hopeful and inspiring. Very versatile; useful for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 140 BPM]

A sweet pop piano piece much like a lullaby. Very dynamic; starts with a soft piano melody which builds smoothly into an electrified chorus with jungle drums. Versatile and useful for a variety of projects. Angelic / Children / Inspirational Music. [Tempo: Slow / 143 BPM]

A folky pop track that features a whistling melody and an acoustic strum. Melody is accompanied by glockenspiel and folky piano. Versatile and can be used for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 176 BPM]

A indie folk pop influenced track that is uplifting and very high energy. Features a vocal hook accompanied by a guitar melody. Electrified, quick paced and truly motivational. Slight Nu-Folk / Country feel. [Tempo: Medium / 117 BPM]

A folky guitar strum with whistled melody and percussion. Features smooth backup vocal harmonies with claps and catchy Piano and Glockenspiel melodies. Becomes more energetic music, and electrified by the end. Dynamic and suitable for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 153 BPM]

Upbeat and electrified from the start. Lots of electric guitar and tasty tom fills to propel this track forward. High energy throughout with one 'bridge break' in the middle. Inspired and suitable as music for a variety of projects. Happy / Feelgood / Inspirational Music. [Tempo: Fast / 140 BPM]

A folky acoustic guitar riff with soft piano. Electrically uplifting by guitar harmonies and rhythmic claps to push the tune forward. Low percussive sounds to give this dynamic tune some fatness. Catchy, poppy, and suitable as music for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 117 BPM]

Soft piano music melodies with the occasional electric fist of power on electric guitar. Also features whistled melodic hooks. This track represents what modern music is today, very subtle with a special touch of acoustic guitar riffs and memorable piano hooks. Inspired music, suitable for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 100 BPM]

This catchy track features a pop/bossa nova feel throughout which quickly builds with additional snare marching rhythms and energetic claps. A very rhythmic music track filled with piano hooks and an energy that just won’t quit. Friendly, vibrant music, suitable for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 100 BPM]

A cute and uplifting music track with catchy piano melodies and lots of rhythmic claps. Builds into an electrified section with a low electric guitar melody and an unstoppable inspiring energy. Dynamic and suitable as music for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 100 BPM]

An uplifting track with the feel of 90’s pop music, but with a commercial spin on it. Vibrant piano melodies and lots of claps to propel the music forward. This composition ends with sweet vocal melodies and an energetic indie rock beat. Flows very nicely and is suitable for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 127 BPM]

A folky electric guitar music track with a prominent steady kick drum. Hooky melody is played by glockenspiel and piano. Eventually builds into an Americana music shuffle feel moving forward non-stop until the very end, electrified by tasty guitar sounds and an energetic pop drum beat. [Tempo: Medium / 97 BPM]

Feelgood, casual, easy going music track, with whistling melodies and a lot of positive energy. Casual, homey, simple pleasures music. [Tempo: Medium / 125 BPM]

A feel good, bouncy tune with a whistled melody. Crisp claps and moody guitar will lighten up the mood. Folky / Corporate / Motivational Music. [Tempo: Medium / 132 BPM]

A folky, homey, acoustic music track with buttery guitar sounds and a moody electric guitar hook. Features male 'ooh' vocals throughout. Also available without the vocal. Hopeful / Inspirational / Folk Music. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 97 BPM]

A catchy hometown feel with hooky melodies and a bouncy, forward moving feel. Many dynamic layers of electric guitar. Warm, heartening, feel good music. [Tempo: Medium / 107 BPM]

An electrified waltz with sweet glockenspiel melodies throughout. Layered with male vocal harmonies. (Also available without the vocals). Folk / Inspirational / Uplifting Music. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 134 BPM]

A friendly, cute, heartwarming music track, filled with light and joy. Youthful Piano/synth melodies over top of a folky acoustic guitar riff. Playful and builds throughout. Folky / Inspirational / Indie Music. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 100 BPM]

A slow, sweet, lazy, summertime feeling music track. With piano hooks and deep acoustic/electric guitar sounds. Casual / Relaxed / Friendly Music. [Tempo: Medium / 128 BPM]

A heartfelt, sombre and warm music track with emotional piano riffs and driving folky guitar riffs. Picks up with intricate palm muted guitar to take it home. Mellow / Comforting / Heartwarming Music. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 114 BPM]

A Calm, yet inspiring composition. Cute melodies over a calm wall of sound; pulsing electric guitars with soothing synth and piano. Suitable for a variety of corporate projects. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 128 BPM]

A cute and gentle composition with youthful glockenspiel and piano melodies. Upbeat and inspiring. Suitable for a variety of media projects. [Tempo: Medium / 117 BPM]

A cute and catchy piano driven composition with vibraphone melodies. Dynamic and uplifting. Suitable for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 127 BPM]

A cute and smiley vibraphone driven composition with catchy and tasty piano and glockenspiel melodies. Suitable for any corporate project. [Tempo: Medium / 114 BPM]

A rock influenced composition with anthemic unison vocal melodies and driving distorted guitar. Suitable for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 125 BPM]

A dynamic pop oriented music track featuring a rhythmic snare marching beat which smoothly builds into an uplifting ball of energy. Melodic hooks can be found throughout. Inspiring music, suitable for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 100 BPM]

A subtle yet very catchy music track. Features a calm snare marching rhythm which eventually builds into a whirlwind of excitement. Glockenspiel and Piano hooks and melodies supported by memorable male vocal oh’s. Dynamic and suitable as music for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 120 BPM]

A slow and very cute piano and glockenspiel melody supported by driving electric guitar chords and acoustic guitar riffs. Finished with a bombastic low drum driven section to bring it home. Dynamic and suitable as music for a variety of projects. Feelgood / Easy Going / Light Music. [Tempo: Medium / 100 BPM]

Happy and heartening. Light and lighthearted. A bouncy groove throughout driven by crisp hand claps. Uplifting from beginning to the end. This subtle and dynamic track is suitable for a endless variety or projects. [Tempo: Medium / 103 BPM]

A bouncy folk pop music track with acoustic guitar strums and male vocals. Filled with catchy piano hooks and a willingness to keep listening! This track builds into an energetic electric section and then comes back down to take it home. Fresh and suitable as music for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 100 BPM]

This track starts off with a bang and cools off into a driving pop beat. Positive, uplifting music, and suitable for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 125 BPM]

A very catchy music track with a repeated piano melody which subtly changes throughout. Lots of drive yet with a soft blanket underneath it all. Ends with a bang; lots of energetic electric guitar to bring it home! Dynamic and suitable as music for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 194 BPM]

A cute indie folk influenced track featuring a catchy acoustic guitar riff and uplifting glockenspiel melodies. This track builds in dynamics and is suitable for a variety of projects. It will serve the purpose of making the listener feel happy. [Tempo: Medium / 123 BPM]

A cute and bouncy folk track featuring an inspirational vocal melody. Dynamic and uplifting with an energetic piano melody happening throughout. This composition makes the listener feel happy and works well for a variety of projects. [Tempo: Medium / 98 BPM]

A cute indie pop influenced track with catchy melodic vocals and groovy drums. Influenced by pop music of today with a commercial spin on it, this piece is suitable for a variety of projects and will serve the purpose of making the listener feel happy. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 95 BPM]

A cute ukulele folk track inspired by music of today but with a commercial spin on it. Very uplifting and suitable for a huge variety of projects and will serve the purpose of making the listener feel happy. [Tempo: Medium / 107 BPM]

A cute track with an orchestral influence to it. Modern sounding with male vocals. Melody is sung by a male vocalist. Suitable for a variety of projects and will serve the purpose of making the listener feel happy. [Tempo: Slow / 134 BPM]

A warm and peaceful track. Calm yet interesting throughout. Dynamic composition with a release at the end, transitioning into a smooth yet more energetic section. Suitable for a variety of your projects and will serve the purpose of making the listener feel happy. [Tempo: Slow / 83 BPM]

A cute, folky acoustic guitar track with a memorable piano melody accompanied by vocal oh’s. Very catchy and uplifting when soulful vocals come in. Very diverse and suitable for a variety of projects. Will serve the purpose of making the listener feel happy. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 132 BPM]

A cute and calm track with dynamics. Begins with a smooth and ambient melody played on piano and glockenspiel which then progresses into a “release section” featuring a catchy folky acoustic guitar feel. Very diverse and suitable for a variety of projects and will serve the purpose of making the listener feel happy. [Tempo: Slow / 108 BPM]

Found 112 tracks, displaying page 1 of 3