Dan MorrisseyArtist

Found 951 tracks, displaying page 9 of 20

Medium paced, high-intensity, adrenaline-fueled guitar rocker. A dramatic, atmospheric & passionate combination of monster riffs, spacious synths, strings and hefty grooves. [Tempo: Fast / 129 BPM]

Epic, positive, uplifting, grand stadium rock. Melodic guitars, monster drums & glorious strings combine to make big music with a sense of victory & overcoming adversity for sports / thriller / action type projects. [Tempo: Fast / 128 BPM]

Epic, atmospheric, sinister & sometimes menacing rock track with pulsing electronic elements & dramatic strings. Stadium rock with a really glorious dark side. would suit thriller / action / horror / mystery / extreme sports type projects. [Tempo: Medium / 125 BPM]

Powerful & epic, bouncy metal groover in the style of Black Sabbath's 'children of the grave'... but with added strings for even more drama. Sheer monster guitar intensity is the name of the game, backed with a massive drum groove. [Tempo: Fast / 138 BPM]

Fun & groovy orchestral-beat piece with a retro and light-hearted feel to it. Flutes, bassoons, oboes, xylophone, strings & brass combine with double bass & drums to make a lively, beaty theme tune to a slightly comical Superhero. [Tempo: Medium / 75 BPM]

Crazy, fevered, modern jazz-tinged groovy track with frenetic piano and xylophone lines and machine-gun drum accents. Full of drama and tension. Slightly reminiscent of Zappa if he was writing music for a bank heist. [Tempo: Medium / 100 BPM]

Happy, exciting, upbeat, spacious, positively energized electronic dance track with a highly motivating driving beat. Has nice syncopated guitar towards end. Would suit thriller / sports / cinematic projects... and many more genres. [Tempo: Medium / 120 BPM]

Smooth, cool hip-hop style beats groove as echoey synth pads and talkbox leads float above. Very laid back... until the chorus comes where blunt distorted guitars enter and steal the show. Has a funky yet mysterious, intriguing feel to it, and always seems to promise and deliver big changes in the future. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 86 BPM]

Almost a requiem piece. Emotional, serene and peaceful. Full of sadness but with hope for the future. Would suit any film / dramatic project. Contains strings, bass and drums. [Tempo: Slow / 56 BPM]

Medium- to fast paced, high-intensity, adrenaline-fueled, chuggy monster guitar rocker. Dramatic, atmospheric & passionate combination of monster riffs, strings and hefty grooves. [Tempo: Fast / 150 BPM]

Grooving, fun, motivated & hypnotic dancy electronic track using spacey synths, piano and drum machines. Has great forward momentum and hook-laden energy. [Tempo: Medium / 120 BPM]

Epic, intense, hypnotic, driven, space rocker with an exotic eastern flavour. A uniquely heady, powerful brew of unusual scales, huge guitars, lush strings & determined tribal drum grooves. Hints of Tool or Ozric Tentacles. [Tempo: Medium / 134 BPM]

Slow, spacious, ethereal, textured track with dreamy, exotic, chanted vocal samples. Be whisked away on the calm breeze to foreign lands. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 88 BPM]

Medium paced, high-intensity, adrenaline-charged, shuffle-feel, guitar rocker. Dramatic & passionate. Melodic & intense. Monster riffs & hefty grooves. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 130 BPM]

Slow, emotive & filmic orchestral track with a melancholic & tragic yet heroic feel that builds in intensity as it goes. Would suit many projects - cinematic / drama / romance / history / documentary etc. [Tempo: Medium / 98 BPM]

Intensely dramatic track mixing staccato orchestral stabs, full of tension and anticipation.. and smooth spacious piano sections. Could be a soundtrack for a space shuttle's take off or for any high drama sports/action/news event. [Tempo: Slow, Very fast / 0 BPM]

Dark, sinister rock track that mixes strings, a hypnotic drum groove and big guitars. The music goes from unnerving & foreboding to epically heavy & intense. Very drama-soaked & cinematic. Would thriller/horror/sports type projects. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 78 BPM]

Spacey, gloriously atmospheric electronic track with great dramatic drive & momentum. Would suit corporate / dramatic / mystery / documentary projects. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 150 BPM]

Slow, sad & serenely sombre orchestral track. Slmost a requiem piece. Lush strings intertwine with a steady bass drum pulse to produce a regal and melancholic atmosphere. [Tempo: Very slow / 102 BPM]

Dramatic, hypnotic & edgy electro-rock track with great nervous tension and forward momentum. Would suit medical / spy / mystery / thriller type drama projects. [Tempo: Medium / 97 BPM]

Slow, ethereal, slightly dark, bluesy, space-rock. Guitar textures combine with synths & hypnotic beats to make atmospheric blues-rock music that would suit cinematic / dramatic / mystery / thriller projects. Hints of Hendrix or Satriani. [Tempo: Very slow / 55 BPM]

Groovy, tension-filled jazzy track utilizing tremelo'ed strings and brass for maximum drama and suspense. Theme to a city slicker's high finance dealings or to a spy's exciting & dangerous mission. [Tempo: Medium / 0 BPM]

Jolly, magical, fairy tale Christmas tune full of excitement and expectation. Simple, joyful & celeste and xylophone lines are overlaid with rich strings to give an atmosphere full of suspense and delight. [Tempo: Medium / 91 BPM]

Very slow, spacious, atmospheric & beautiful piano-lead ambient track with a deep sense of loss, longing & melancholy. contains piano, strings, acoustic & electric guitar, drums. [Tempo: Slow / 60 BPM]

Positive, triumphant and anthemic track. Plucked santoors and piano combine with orchestral strings and shuffling snare rudiments to great filmic and dramatic effect, giving a feeling of building excitement and suspense. [Tempo: Slow / 44 BPM]

Powerful & emotional atmospheric orchestral track. Slow synth pads drone out into the stratosphere as strings & a pulse bass drum join. The chorus section's lush strings and lonely piano lines tug at your heartstrings, telling a tale of lost love & smouldering desire. [Tempo: Very slow / 40 BPM]

Imagine being a world renowned jewel thief on your latest job. Great tension in the air, your mind starting to spin with adrenaline, sweat beading on your forehead, trying to stop your hands shaking. This track paints a mental picture of the suspense and thrill you might feel as you worked to finally get away with that massive gem. Contains violins. violas, cello and piano. [Tempo: Medium / 100 BPM]

Spacey & atmospheric electro-groove-rock track. Leslied guitars combine with plucked santoor, staccato organ & synth pads to make a fun & slightly exotically Arabian beat-fest. Very hypnotic. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 127 BPM]

Intense, atmospheric, melodic rock track with lead guitar acting as lead vocal. Slightly reminiscent of Satriani. Riff-laden & determined but with catchy guitar hooks in the choruses. Full of vibe & surprises. [Tempo: Medium / 100 BPM]

Spacey and ethereal track with soft dreamy piano lines crossing over hypnotic santoor arpeggios. Has a trance-like feel to it and makes time feel like it's standing still. The catchy chorus part brings soft simple vocal lines and lush strings. Would suit dramatic/romantic projects. Contains piano, synths, choirs, santoor and some lead guitar. [Tempo: Medium / 110 BPM]

Dark, spacey, ethereal and slightly menacing electronic track.Synth pads and noises create a black & sinister soundscape as slow-grooving drums and bass creep towards you. [Tempo: Slow / 106 BPM]

A light fun, groovey track with lots of retro organ, clavinet & slow brass lines. The mid section has a latin flavoured breakdown with syncopated piano and brass. Would suit light hearted comedy/retro spoof projects. [Tempo: Medium / 71 BPM]

Unique, intensely powerful, monster riff- fuelled rock track that would suit extreme sports or action/thriller projects. Imagine Black Sabbath crossed with Satriani and you're in the right area. [Tempo: Medium / 92 BPM]

Dark, twisted and sinister electro-metal track. Eerie synths and hypnotic bass meet in a head-on collision to form a powerful formula . Imagine Nine Inch Nails jamming with Massive Attack and asking Jeff Beck to guest. [Tempo: Slow / 63 BPM]

Bluesy, slowly shimmering emotive guitar track that gradually builds and builds from cool and soothing to fever pitch intensity. At this point waves of distorted rhythm guitars come crashing in soaring lead guitar takes over. Think in the rough area of Beck, Satriani, Lukather [Tempo: Slow / 70 BPM]

Calm, soft and mellow piano pop track. Simple piano arpeggios combine with celtic harp,strings and drums to make a tune that relaxes and transports you off on fluffy clouds. Slightly reminiscent of Coldplay or Hornsby [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 62 BPM]

Didgeridoo lead groover. Didge combines with dulcimer, strings and a laid back groove to produce an intriguing, hypnotic track with an air of mystery to it. The mid part brings in another colour and dimension through use of spacious and emotional vocals lines. [Tempo: Medium / 93 BPM]

Soothing, beautiful, peaceful soft rock track. Mellow piano,dulcimer & strings combine with organ & cool slow-grooving rhythm section to make a track that makes you drift off into another world. Also contains some tasteful lead guitar. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 60 BPM]

Spacey, groovy and emotive electronic track. Beautiful slow piano lines combine with bass drones and a constant beat, building towards the uplifting and motivated chorus part. Slightly reminiscent of 'maniac' by M. Sembello . Contains piano, strings, synths, drum units and lead guitar. Also good for investigation, analysis, clues, forensics, etc. [Tempo: Fast, Very fast / 145 BPM]

Intense, drama-soaked orchestral rocker. Screaming strings and monster riffs combine to great effect. Full of suspense and powerful momentum. Contains guitars, strings, bass and drums. [Tempo: Medium / 88 BPM]

A rock / funk crossover track with funky grooves, powerful guitars & 70's tinged organ combine in this cool and dynamic groove-rock track. The verse is chilled & laid back. The chorus is more rocky and intense. Hints of the Meters and Nuno, Extreme [Tempo: Medium / 92 BPM]

Eerie, brooding and chilling electro-rock track that slowly creeps up behind you then explodes into electrified malevolence. Would suit scary chiller, thriller or sci-fi projects. [Tempo: Slow / 60 BPM]

Unique heavy rock track with many flavours and colours . Intense riffing and spacious clean guitars mix with powerful drums to make a very intense & epically memorable rollercoaster ride. [Tempo: Medium / 152 BPM]

Fast and furiously intense adrenaline rocker. Walls of guitars go for the throat from the very start. Full of punky Foo Fighters-esque attitude. Run people, you don't have a prayer! Would suit action, extreme, motor sports projects. [Tempo: Medium / 160 BPM]

Mysterious, spacey and groovey mixture of ethereal synth pads, fat synth bass and plucked string instruments. beaty, somehow soothing and very melodic. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 120 BPM]

A kind of modern spiritual song. Spacey synth pads float in the atmosphere as bluesy lamenting vocal samples ascend into the ether. Calm, mellow, emotive, and relaxing. Contains synths, organ, vocal samples, violin and drums. [Tempo: Very slow / 110 BPM]

Intense, suspense-soaked, high energy, electro-rocker that mixes synth sequences with big guitars & monster. Driven beats. Would suit action/extreme sports/thriller type projects. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 120 BPM]

Slightly dark, eerie & sinister electronic rock track with great atmosphere, forward drive & spacey textures. A mixture of synths, drum machines, acoustic drums, strings and guitar. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 119 BPM]

Powerful, medium paced,high-intensity, adrenaline-charged guitar rocker with a driven, heavy blues shuffle feel. Dramatic, atmospheric & passionate combination of monster riffs, organ, synths, strings and hefty grooves. [Tempo: / 0 BPM]

Exciting, intense, adrenalized, driven, electro rock with great momentum and energy. Synths combine with big guitars to make music suitable for sports/action/thiller/dramatic projects. [Tempo: Fast / 146 BPM]

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